Marketing mystery game for new product marketing campaign


Doing a business in competitive global market is major challenge for companies whether national or multinational. Majority of companies keep on exploring new type of marketing strategies to gain profit. Still competition is growing intensely. Smart multinationals such as Microsoft, Google, Apple Inc. and Amazon constantly hunt talented marketing personnel to create revolutionary marketing style in order to allure mammoth customers and retain them for future growth.

Traditional marketing techniques such as emailing the product information, distributing the leaflets, campaigning through social media, free offers, discount coupons, advertisement in TV and other channels, and celebrity endorsement are now drenched. In digital marketing, companies put all efforts to magnetize potential customers. Though some tactics are effective but customers always look for something exciting and beneficial schemes so that they can take wise decision for purchase. Further, it is not recommended to use the discarded or outdated items for sale with innovative marketing campaign as it will degrade the brand image of giant companies and immensely impact on fiscal growth.


In a wave of innovation, there are some ground-breaking marketing brains that can propel customers to assess the products of companies and eager to buy if products are really worth for them. These marketing games can be channelized on experimental basis to ascend the sale to rocketing high.


It is not exactly brain exercise instead an enthralling and fun activity to squeeze valuable information of required products from marketing mystery game and make good purchase decision.


Example of marketing mystery game:


Suppose leading mobile company is running a marketing campaign for newly launched product. Marketing team can engage their potential customers through playing product mystery game for marketing to realize their requirement and fetch all relevant information to make purchase decision-

(Cost defined for product: $XXX)


Initial Game instruction: Hi esteemed customers, in launching a new mobile device to exactly suit your requirement, let’s play a product mystery game to know the wonderful technical features:



Product mystery game Theme: A tour to zoo


“We have seen a huge furry dog of 5 and ½ feet size dancing on rock music in zoo.

It was highly memorable event to remember for 24 hours.

We captured the ten stunning and dense tress with edge details.

Zoo was beautifully maintained with stylish designs and has several places to sit for rest, and visitors can energize themselves with yummy foods.

Zoo was beautifully maintained with modern style and has several places to sit for rest.

Overall impression of this hi-tech zoo is marvellous.

Zoo was beautifully maintained with modern style and has several places to sit for rest”

 (Creative game writer can add more points according to features installed in mobile devices by company.)


Next Instruction to customers: Synchronize all above information to crack the exact features of newly launched device (It may be cell phone, tablet).




-Screen size: We have seen a huge furry dog of 5 and ½ feet size dancing on rock music in zoo (It means screen size)


- Battery: it was highly memorable events remember for 24 hours (It means battery life)


- Camera: We capture the ten stunning and dense tress with edge details (10 Mega pixel and above)


- Design: Zoo was beautifully maintained with modern style and has several places to sit for rest.


-Visitors can energize themselves with yummy foods through remotely ordering instead of physically going to food stall. (Wireless charging)


- Display: Overall impression of this hi-tech zoo is marvellous (Display)


Driving force behind this campaign:  All winners who crack exactly the features are eligible to buy mobile device at discounted price according the % of correct features answered. Some may get device at manufacturing rate through answering three features. Others may get at least price through replying majority of features. Depending upon the company’s marketing scheme, customers may get discount. In this way, large number of consumers will involve in playing game and company can amass tons of dollars.


IMP: Above marketing campaign writing idea is a solely creation of writer.



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