
Showing posts from 2018

Political mantras to win the heart of voters

Elections are a massive and vital event across the country. In this process, voters have native rights to select the leader and cast the vote for augmentation of society and successfully operating the national activities. In India, national elections have been the principal electoral process in the world. India is a land of multicultural folks therefore the cultural, linguistic, ethnic and religious diversity factors of the Indian society, greatly impacts the election event and sometimes make it complicated. During election, leaders allure voters with myriad of tactics. Smart and intelligent voters always scrutinize personal attributes of contestants, their reputation in society and political party they represent. As we know the electoral process include the campaign, the vote, the announcement of results and succeeding government establishment. In 2019 electoral process to form a government at national level, numerous parties are contesting elections. These parties are organ

Get rid of heaviness in your head through knowing root causes

Heaviness in head is a general complain of people around the world. Feeling heaviness in head is often linked with tiredness, brain fog, headaches, neck pain, dizziness and pressure in the face and head. There are numerous root causes for heaviness in brain such as headache or sinus infection, concussion or brain tumour. Excessive tiredness can make it harder to hold up head all day. Anxious feeling can also lead to pressure and heaviness in the head along with a racing heart, sweating, and trouble concentrating. Other medical syndrome like vestibular disorder can also make person to experience heaviness in head. The vestibular system includes the parts of the inner ear and brain that control balance and eye movements. Some allergies can also a cause of experiencing heaviness in head. Some medical conditions that leads to heaviness in brain. These include anemia, hypothyroidism, sleep apnea, heart disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis,

Customer’s purchase intention of organic food

Organic foods are gaining huge popularity due to high level adulteration in food materials. Today people are health conscious and prefer quality food instead of consuming foods unsafe additives, preservatives, flavour and colouring. The phrase “organic” denotes to the way agricultural products are grown and processed. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing radiation, therefore it promotes the healthy food characteristics. In simple term, organic foods are grown with natural fertilizers (manure, compost). Abundant of research found positive value of organic foods and consumers are increasingly inclined towards these food items. The only downside of organic food is it high cost.  While cultivating, pests are controlled using natural methods (birds, insects, traps) and naturally-derived pesticides. Weeds are controlled naturally through crop rotation, hand we

Information about adverse reaction of Vitamin B12 Shots

In health conscious global society, many people take vitamin supplement to fulfil the nutritional needs of body. It is perceived that these acts are secure. Vitamin B12 supplements are commonly taken by majority of people to elevate brain function, maintain energy. Vitamin B-12 is a water soluble vitamin and abundantly found in animal foods such as meat, poultry, fish, milk and shellfish. Vitamin B-12 has important function in human body for production of red blood cells and to maintain healthy nerves. If there is deficiency of vitamin B-12, person may suffer from neurological damage and pernicious anaemia. When people have B12 deficiency, they show the symptoms of weakness, fatigue, pale skin, coldness in hands and feet, mouth soreness, sore tongue, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, abnormal heart rhythm, constipation, loss of appetite, weight loss, numbness and tingling of extremities, confusion, depression, poor memory and problems maintaining balance. If left u

Causes and remedies of numbness in legs and feet

It is observed that people with nerve issues may experience numbness in their body. Long-lasting or baffling numbness may indicate some underlying medical ailment. There are multiple causes of numbness in legs and feet. Posture: A person may feel numbness if posture is not proper as it puts too much pressure on the nerves or reduces blood flow. Some Postural habits that put pressure on nerves or reduce blood flow in the lower limbs can cause temporary numbness in the legs and feet. Poor habits that lead to numbness are crossing the legs for too long, sitting or kneeling for long periods, sitting on the feet, wearing tight pants, socks, or shoes. Injuries to the torso, spine, hips, legs, ankles, and feet can put pressure on nerves and lead to the numbness in feet and legs. Diabetes also cause nerve damage, called diabetic neuropathy. Person may also feel numbness in legs and feet when there is some problems in the lower back, such as a breakdown or herniatio

The instant translation apps on Google for visitors to different places

Technology has revolutionized and smoothen the communication among people around the globe. Among the advanced version of phones and range of special features, the Google Translate app makes it easier for people to understand different language and interact with people beyond the native language. The language app is available for both Android and iOS devices and has myriads of new features that are designed to c and comprehend foreign language in simple manner. According to latest report, mobile users can translate between up to 103 languages in a number of ways. Users can type words and sentences, speak them to the device by tapping the microphone, or even use their finger to handwrite. The translation process is simple. iOS users can find it within the App Store on their phone or tablet. Android users can get it on the Play Store. Users have to type Google Translate in the search field or follow these links (Android/Apple) to download. One marvellous feature of the

Never forget me: High level suspense drama (Sensational film story for shoot)

It was Neelu’s wedding day. I (Rudra) was waiting for her garland ceremony in the enjoyable evening in grand Hotel Hiltona. All traditional ceremonies were being held and I was taking detailed updates from my sister, Rica who is her best friend. The time ran fast and I was eager for the most thrilling moment when she was to put garland on her partner. Suddenly I received a call from Rica that ceremony was to go. Whether you want to be present in video call? I said, yes. Rica made a video call and got busy in enjoying the electrifying moment of her wedding. In the next few seconds, Rudra saw that she put the garland on her would be husband, Jacob and Rudra also put garland on himself. After few hours, Rica was continually calling to her brother, Rudra. But there was no response. May be his mobile battery gone or he may be busy in project completion for art exhibition which he gave the strong reason for not attending the marriage of childhood friend Neelu. Basically, Ru

Know about bone marrow disorders

Healthy Bone marrow is needed for human survival. Bone marrow is the soft and gelatinous tissue inside some of human bones like in hip and thigh bones. It contains mesenchymal and hematopoietic stem cells. There are two types of bone marrow that include red bone marrow, called myeloid tissue, and yellow bone marrow, or fatty tissue. The stem cells can develop into the red blood cells that carry oxygen through human body, the white blood cells combat with infections, and the platelets helps in blood clotting. Medical facts about bone marrow are that Bone marrow produces 200 billion new red blood cells daily, along with white blood cells and platelets. Bone marrow must be in good condition to perform array of activities and maintain several biological systems. Key symptoms of bone marrow disease are bone pain, an aching of the joints and headaches. These types of complaints occur when a person with a bone marrow disorder has a very low red blood cell count. Simply s

Effective natural remedies to lessen bone loss and prevent Osteoporosis

Bone loss is common in aging folks. At this stage of life, people may develop Osteoporosis. In simple words, there is a need of great care when we enter into elderly phase of life. Bones are dynamic structures, continually modifying themselves through the addition and subtraction of material. Osteoporosis, or bone loss, is an illness that causes bones to become fragile and prone to fracture. With osteoporosis, the bones lose its density. Bone density is the amount of bone tissue that is in bones. Apart from the leading cause of aging, there are also other factors that trigger bone loss. These include family history of the condition, being small and thin, smoking, drinking alcohol excessively, and being physically inactive. People who do not consume nutritious diet such as sufficient calcium and minerals may become prone to bone loss. When we become old, body may reabsorb calcium and phosphate from bones instead of keeping these minerals in bones. This leads to weak bon

Improve academic performance through appropriate counsellor

The pressing issue for students of school and colleges is adjustment in academic environment. Newly joined students face myriads of problem such as appetite disturbance, concentration problems and depression. In order to support pupils to resolve their adjustment and other dominant academic issues, several school and colleges appoint school counsellors to provide intervention to the scholars so that their social and emotional problems can be solved and their academic performances are not inhibited. Counselling is a technique to develop harmonizing interpersonal relationships to empower people to develop self-understanding and to transform their lives. Counsellors use their professional training, skills, expertise and experience to assist the pupil to overcome an area of conflict. Therefore for academic issues, counsellors must be adroit in imparting best advice to students.    Counsellors help students in navigating academic complexities. Students who are strug

Superb Counselling support for emotionally sensitive adolescents

Emotionally sensitive adolescents are major challenge for counsellors or mental health professionals. These teens are hard to teach, to live with, or to counsel. Recently, the rate of overly sensitive adolescent appears to be snowballing. It is the need of the hour to address the pertinent issues, causes, symptoms and basic counselling techniques to manage emotionally sensitive adolescents. These teenagers come across several problems in changeable situations such as in school, home, at sport ground, and at different level. These teens always seek assistance of teacher, and want to get parental attention. There is need to comprehend the behaviour of emotionally sensitive adolescents. These adolescent have tendency to withdraw, characterized by shy and inhibited. It has been observed by counsellors that some of teens supress their feelings and do not express their melancholy state. In other words, they do not know the way to express their feelings and emotional issues. Ge

Adopt natural ways to heal swelled gums to hold moving teeth

Teeth are important for chewing function as well as aesthetic purposes. Moving teeth is a common complaint of people and they experience discomfort in eating food and their confidence level decline. Loose teeth are mainly due to gum diseases and bone loss. Infection in gums, periodontitis damage the bone and soft tissues that support the tissues. Several other factors also leads to shaky teeth that include poor oral hygiene, plaque, dental injuries or fractures, Tooth decay from sugary foods and Osteoporosis. Swollen gums are the result of plaque and tartar in your mouth (Gingivitis), Viral or fungal infections, Irritation due to dental fixtures, pregnancy, allergies and sensitivity to dental products or food and Gum injury. When tooth becomes slightly moving, it is difficult to chew and with time, surrounding area swell and painful. In such, you must go to dentist immediately in order to avoid serious problem of tooth loss. To strengthen loose teeth, there are effecti

Strategies to lessen injury in elderly age

Seniors are more vulnerable to injuries, accidents or other severe health issues. Among these problem, falls are major cause of injuries, followed by hospital admissions for trauma, and deaths. Medical cases indicated that one in every three seniors (age 65 and older) will fall each year. According to survey, simple falls, like slipping while walking, or in washroom may seem comparatively harmless but at elderly stage, short fall down is very dangerous and may sometimes be the cause of death. Therefore it is the prime responsibility of caregiver and doctors to explore the leading causes of happening such incidents and advise approaches to reduce injury. When elderly people short falls, they may undergo problems like minor injuries, including bruises, abrasions, and lacerations. But when the impact of fall is more, elderly people get major injuries, including intracranial injuries (ICIs) and fractures. They may also get hip fractures. Weakness, chronic illnesses, vision pro

Use of Waterpiks to maintain oral hygiene: Dental health monitor

Waterpik water flossers, also called dental water jets or oral irrigators are used for cleaning deposits in teeth.  This technique uses a pressurized stream of pulsating water to wash food particles, bacteria, and plaque between teeth and under the gum line. People must use a Waterpik when they wear braces, have non-removable bridgework, have crowns or in case of dental implants. Procedure of using waterpik : At first, fill the reservoir with warm water and place firmly on the base. Select a tip and click into the handle. Point the tip into the sink and turn on until water flows. Turn unit off. Lean over the sink Start with the lowest pressure setting, lean over the sink, place tip in your mouth. Turn unit on. Close lips enough to prevent splashing, let water flow from your mouth into sink. Move the flosser tip along the gums. Aim the tip at the gum line. When ended, turn unit off and use the tip eject button to remove the tip.