Adopt natural ways to heal swelled gums to hold moving teeth

Teeth are important for chewing function as well as aesthetic purposes. Moving teeth is a common complaint of people and they experience discomfort in eating food and their confidence level decline. Loose teeth are mainly due to gum diseases and bone loss. Infection in gums, periodontitis damage the bone and soft tissues that support the tissues. Several other factors also leads to shaky teeth that include poor oral hygiene, plaque, dental injuries or fractures, Tooth decay from sugary foods and Osteoporosis. Swollen gums are the result of plaque and tartar in your mouth (Gingivitis), Viral or fungal infections, Irritation due to dental fixtures, pregnancy, allergies and sensitivity to dental products or food and Gum injury.

When tooth becomes slightly moving, it is difficult to chew and with time, surrounding area swell and painful. In such, you must go to dentist immediately in order to avoid serious problem of tooth loss.

To strengthen loose teeth, there are effective and proven home remedies. It is advised to do coconut oil pulling, rinse with amla powder and water mixture, take Calcium and Vitamin D, Garlic. You can use mustard oil and Salt massage. Turmeric and Black pepper is also useful in treating loose teeth.

For healing of gum swelling, you can use natural substance like Salt Water, Clove Oil, Ginger, Baking Soda, Lemon Juice, Aloe Vera Gel, Turmeric and apple Cider Vinegar.

At the end, it is suggested that good oral hygiene is necessary to tighten loose and shaky teeth. Dentists recommend that you must brush your teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once before you go to bed. Rinsing with water after every meal is good habit to maintain oral hygiene. Dentists also recommend flossing to keep the teeth clean and bacteria-free.


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