Know about mouth preparation for removable denture

There is a great significance of removable denture for multiple missing teeth. Before taking the impression, dentist performs mouth preparation for best fitting of denture in mouth. It is well said that the dentist-patient relationship in removable partial denture is augmented by paying attention to mouth preparation before the final impression is made. The health of the patient has an effect, favourable or unfavourable, on the durability of the prosthesis.  Mouth preparation for the removable partial denture is done to reduce stress in order to protect and preserve the teeth and tissues. The preconstruction planning should include improvement of the existing conditions as well as prevent the inclusion of new stresses.

In general, in mouth preparation, dental surgeon carefully perform preliminary diagnosis and develop a tentative treatment plan. The procedure are categorised in four sections such as  oral surgical preparation, condition of abused and irritated tissues, periodontal preparation and preparation of abutment teeth.  

Mouth preparation follows in reasonable sequence after oral diagnosis and tentative treatment planning. It varies from person to person. Some patients may require slight mouth preparation that involve removal of interferences and preparation of rest seats. However many patients might require extensive treatment. It includes correction of occlusal plane, oral surgical preparation like extraction of non-restorable teeth, removal of tori or exostosis and preprosthetic surgeries.

Another step is to perform periodontal preparation such as oral prophylaxis, treatment of periodontal abscess. Also changes in gingival contour following periodontal treatment should be completed before working impressions are obtained. Orthodontic treatment is also given so that any required improvement in the position of the teeth can be achieved without delaying the prosthetic treatment unduly. Restorative treatment and root canal therapy must be given to ensure that the remaining teeth are in a healthy state and preparation of abutment teeth so that the crown shape of the remaining teeth is improved to receive rests, retentive clasp arms, bracing and reciprocating elements.

It is to be noted that dental conditions of patients causing pain or discomfort due to caries or defective restoration should be treated at the earliest in the treatment process to pain occurring during the treatment procedure. Each tooth should be assessed for strategic position and potential contribution to the success of the prosthesis. Radiographs should be taken at regular intervals to confirm that there are no adverse changes.

The patient should be informed of the diagnosis and provided with the various options for resolution of the abnormality.

Patients who want removable denture may refer to Prosthodontist, orthodontist, periodontist, oral surgeon and general dentist.

In concluding remarks, it is well comprehended that mouth preparation is basic step for making successful and comfortable removable partial denture.

Important: This article is developed through environmental information and personal view of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


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