Fact-finding intelligence of undercover cops to crash the missions of criminal gangs
Tagline: Brainy covert policing is detecting the criminal mind, and conduct behind the scene Hidden and secure crusades to trap criminals can substantially curb the crime rate at global level. Undercover cops work under concealed identity to investigate the criminal game in society. Undercover policing operations are conducted under law enforcement investigative domains for monstrous crimes when police teams fail to trap these criminals by any means. They conduct thorough investigation of serious crimes such as crimes such as firearms trafficking, narcotics, and bank robbery with hidden persona to chase their mission. Major task of investigative undercover cops is to locate convicts who smartly commit crime and disappear from the normal environment. Basically, such hardcore criminals underground after committing criminal activities. undercover operations are performed to collate sensitive information and evidence on specific criminalities, to terrorize crooks who are devising plans