Script: Forcing to adopt twin orphans when they lost biological parents

Script: Forcing to adopt twin orphans when they lost biological parents

Scene: 1

In the area of Downing 10, Dazon Road, US City, at around 6 PM, Gracie and Jamesy are returning from Costco. Suddenly they are approached by Cop team.

Police officer: Hey, How are you? 

Both Gracie and James reacted strangely and replied: Hi, we are good.

Police officer: Nice, we would like to have polite discussion about your personal life. Can we continue?

Gracie and Jamesy: Sure!

Police officer: We contacted you because you are affluent and ready to take some financial responsibility. As you might have heard a day back that heart throbbing train accident occurred in a city where trains had head-on collision and huge number of people have lost their life. Many kids were separated from their parents and sent to orphan. Initial reports indicated that incident occurred due to error in electronic interlocking. It was so shocking that some of the human bodies were smashed and difficult to identify.

Scene: 2

Standing near to police van, cops are looking serious and worrying about kids who had lost their real parents.

Gracie and Jamesy: Ya, we heard that dreaded accident. Is there any thing that we can help out for the victims of train accident? 

Police officer: Thanks. Our government is looking after them and announced relief package for families of dead people and survivors according to the severity of injuries.

Gracie and Jamesy become emotional. Suddenly rain starts and they ask cops to come to their home nearby.



Cops with Gracie and Jamesy walked through beautiful garden and entered to living room through stairs. Gracie switched on the lights and all sat on the grey color U shape sofa comfortably. On center table, there is small dummy guitar just to enhance the beauty of living room.

Gracie moves to kitchen to prepare coffee for all. It took some time as she puts some snacks in oven which is already baked and to make it hot before serving. James and cops are through smile. Cops appreciate the layout of the living room.

Now Gracie is back with tray with coffee and snacks and serves to all. There is dim light in the room. Rains are stopped now outside and there is dark cloudy weather.

After having snacks, cops begin their discussion about the ill-fated twins who lost their real parents. Cops got these twins in dreaded scenario of train crash. Both twins were sitting in a carrier and found safe between the two compartments of train. Cops further tell that it is a miracle that God saved both the baby boys. Now it is our duty to look after them. 

Gracie can not control the tears and becomes emotional. Gracie and James come forward to extend views in their mind of monetary help.

But cops have different. They just insisted that Gracie and Jamesy by saying: As you are well settled and have good job role so you expect you to adopt these orphan twins.

At the moment, Gracie and Jamesy Shaked: How can we groom these two children. We are not trained to feed babies and change their cloths.

Cops: You can get training to groom babies through online videos and other grooming tutorials. We chose you after reviewing your track record of being honest to your duty and excellent behavioral traits. You have always been humble to others in social situations. Donate funds to NGOs and participate in functions of voluntary organizations.

Gracie and Jamesy: That is true. But it is great responsibility to groom babies whose biological parents are missing.

Cops: Please cooperate with us. We have selected you to handover the twins for their good future.

Gracie and Jamesy: We have a query. Ok. You are insisting us to adopt twins. What if their real parents come in future?

Cops: That is our outlook. Currently, you are legal parents of twins. We will start the official formalities of adoption.

Gracie and Jamesy throw pale look and say: Ok.


Gracie and Jamesy are in orphan and completing all formalities of adoption. This building is located near beautiful river bank and surrounded by huge lush green shrubs and tall trees.

 Orphan in-charge Anna: Goodbye kids. Twins also waived their hands.

Gracie and Jamesy come out with twins from Orphan and sit in their Honda city car.  Babies are belted in car seat. Twins are smiling and surround with toys in car.

Gracie prepares milk for them at home and feeding. Twins are very happy to see new attractive house.

Now Gracie and Jamesy are planning how to sleep with kids. They set up twin bed for kids. They name the babies Tim and Tom.

Gracie: Hey Tim and Tom, can I narrate queen story before you sleep.

Tim and Tom: Yes. We are eager to listen.

Gracie is telling a story of brave queen.

Kids slept now.


Scene: 5

Next day when Gracie and Jamesy embracing the twins with affection.

Gracie and Jamesy: You both our sweet kids. We will never be separated. Twins also smile with joy.

Happy family without any biological relations has strong bonding. They are planning for long exciting tour for famous tourist destination.


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