Yes, There is heaven on earth

Yes there is heaven on earth

It’s yet to be discovered by you

Taking first step outside home, without knowing where to go

Strange people, weird vicinity

But still something deep inside is tempting you.

You fall, you rise

You cry, you fight

But you never ever stop

You become brave, stronger than ever before

Wonders happened and you are the part of it

Different level of confidence is in your eyes

And no one can ignore that

Yes there is heaven on earth

It’s yet to be discovered by you

Cold breeze which u feel deep down the heart

Breathe taking risk, which shivers you from inside

Natural musician whom no one can beat

Mesmerizing beauty which cannot be ignored

Yes there is heaven on earth

It’s yet to be discovered by you

it’s inside you and outside you

-Wriiten by Agatya


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