Asanas are helpful for physical and mental health

People in today’s environment are more conscious about their physical as well as mental fitness that help them to lead good life.  Asana denote to range of physical exercise which means a stable and comfortable manner of sitting.

There are numerous benefits of the practice of moving the body into different postures. Further, these asanas improve health, strength, balance and flexibility. In depth, the practice of asana is an effective way to calm the mind and move into the inner essence of being. The challenge of poses offers the yoga pupils the opportunity to discover and control all types of their emotions, concentration, intent, faith, and unity between the physical and the ethereal body.

People who perform regular asana are more fit and active. Asanas improve respiration through focused breathing practises while the body maintains the specific poses. Meditation helps in cleansing the mind and allows person to focus on the important things in life and eradicates negativity. Yoga demonstrates people to be aware of their mind and body.

When practitioners do standing asanas, it promotes joint and muscle flexibility. For example, Ardha Chandrasana and Tadasana increase stamina, and they feel the most natural of all the positions. The Paschimotanasana yoga posture helps in lessening back aches and pains if practiced regularly. This yoga pose is a forward bending pose.

Observable outcomes of regular asana practice is Increase in muscular strength and flexibility. The restorative yoga practices combined with pranayama practices can help in relieving sore muscles and relieve tension.

Other key benefits of doing regular asanas are that such yogic practices encourage the practitioner to bring the mind under control to go deeper in the poses. It augment mental focus.

Besides physical and mental benefits, asanas also have spiritual advantages. Asana brings harmony between the mind and body. Some spiritual benefits of asanas are effortlessness comes into life, reducing stress. Asanas work to reshape the outside of the body, stimulate the internal organ and revitalize nervous system.

In essence, asana add value in maintaining our health. Practicing suitable asanas can bring mental alertness and strength to our muscles. The aim of range of asanas is to tone up the body, building muscles, increase stamina and flexibility. Basically asanas are physical postures therefore they must be practiced with concentration and alertness. Ultimately, asanas lead to well balanced, flexible body and clear mind.


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