Exploring the secret of supernatural reality

Supernatural creates sensation, curiosity, and temptation to masses. All powers and abilities, as we term as supernatural are closely connected with Mind and Spirit.  According to existing explanation, the phrase supernatural denotes to capabilities or state of mind that is not perceptible using physical senses, and may include psychic and spiritual knacks. Supernatural is a phenomenon that appears to be beyond natural happening.  With the birth of human on this earth, supernatural phenomenon is predominant among them. Since childhood we heard mystic narrations of powerful entities, saints, devils, demons and we sometimes get scared by hearing such stories. We also develop in mind that supernatural powers have proficiency to do miracles. Here it is elaborated the positive supernatural facts that astonish the masses in their daily affairs.                                                                                                                                                           

Sometimes strange events happen with some people which science has no explanation.  According to scientific dogmas, these happenings are by coincidence. People who have an eye to look differently, think in unique way or resolves the critical issues are powerful and develop high level adeptness that normal people cannot. They may experience supernatural events. For instance, from sixth sense, they assess the events of future or any threat of human life. 

When people feel some supernatural gains, they are very close to God. They are empowered with colossal energy. If they misuse such huge power, it creates negativity. On the other hand, people with positive supernatural power have an adroitness to transform the world. It is just feeling of writer. Even normal person may have exceptional power to heal the anguish of other people.

God chooses few people to delegate supreme power to envisage or predict future events or in other words some people are gifted with some special senses or powers. These people have noble thought, live with high moral values and kind to people around them. There is no connection of supernatural powers of people with scientific studies or experiment as these are illuminated from soul which has direct link to Divinity.

In Indian culture, there are numerous path to chase superpower. In Indian reference, unusual powers are accomplished through meditation and concentration. According to yogic gurus, “supernatural powers are developed through unfathomable knowledge like mindfulness of previous rebirths, comprehending the minds of other people, visualizing distant and secreted things.

Siddhis (spiritual practices) are the gained for Supernatural powers. People who do sadhana to gain powers, they utilize their positive energy for the sake of humans. To do sadhana, people find peaceful place that is untouched from pollution and surrounded with dense trees and natural greenery like Himalayas, the famous mountain range in the north of India. Such people are called yogis and they spend their life in caves and live isolated from society. They practice control over mind and body and emerge as a spiritual leader and impart good moral values and sayings to help the people to live trouble free life. Some people exhibit signs of supernatural power since birth and these can be polished through meditation, concentration, self-control, chants and inner purification.

Still, there is heated debate among intellectuals, researchers and theorists on the existence of supernatural powers. It is unending dialogue as maximum people do not experience such powers therefore they do not believe on supernatural powers.
In binding up the significant facts about supernatural power, it is revealed that Supernatural capability is associated with spiritual elements of people. These powers cannot be apprehended through technical innovation or scientific experiments as it is beyond its limits as of now. In literature, it is indicated that God bestowed supernatural power upon those who had achieved a high spiritual state. Person who cleanse their mind, body through performing yoga and living moral life and aiming to total purity are near to God and they may be empowered with such powers.

Thank you Readers

IMPORTANT:  Above explanation of supernatural facts are just expression of writer gained through knowledge and experience from her life. 


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