Worm of loneliness and ways to manage it

In a social web, we as a human interact with each other to retain mental state and gain insight to resolve numerous intricate life issues. Lack of social support isolate us and consequently, we feel loneliness. Even in the crowd, some people have feeling of isolation as there is no one around and no one to talk to. As a result, people sink into a state of sadness or anxiety. 

Loneliness is most common and many times unpleasant emotions which majority of people experience. Some people may suffer loneliness for short period. It may be a passing emotion. But for others, it’s a frequent sense of worry and melancholy.

People who are lonely, they involve in excessive drinking or binge eating, to suppress those hostile feelings. It can results in depression and rumination. Loneliness stereotypically includes anxious feelings about a lack of connection or communication with other people.

There are several grounds of gripping under loneliness. Mainly, isolation is associated with higher divorce rates, frequent migration, being rejected by social groups, less participation in organizations. Other cases of loneliness include unemployment, financial hardship, loss of partner or loved one, lack of self-esteem, physical illness like HIV AIDS, mental illnesses, bullying, harassment, alcoholism and drug dependency. When comparing women with men, women generally have a broader social network to meet their needs.

Several psychological studies have demonstrated that with age and when people lose family members and friends, and cut down on work, they are vulnerable to loneliness. There are Dangerous outcome of loneliness. Research studies have shown that loneliness may lead to heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. In extreme case, loneliness can lead to depression and suicide if help is not provided.

Though loneliness is unpleasant mental state but according to many psychologists, it is part of being a normal human being. For example, loneliness helps in emotional healing in the grieving process. Many spiritual professionals believe that intense loneliness make person stronger emotionally and spiritually.

To overcome loneliness, it is common advice from experts to augment social network. But how can we do that. In the life of every person, many persons have contribution whether in positive manner or in negative way. To increase the periphery of social network, lonely people must scrutinize the people who had entered in his/her life, and their attitude towards him. It will help to choose them in social network. Internet technology has provided wonderful opportunity to intermingle with people in WhatsApp or any other media but one must be careful. Sending normal good morning message, and wishing friends in occasion may delight people. But some people may get isolated due to excessive involvement of social media.

Another way to kill loneliness is to discourage Negative Thoughts. Many lonely people think that life is hopeless. The simple exercise of kicking negative sensation is to think that we face bad events but there is a good time after a long darkness. 

To cope up with loneliness, go for shopping, interact with salesperson and buy interesting and utility items. Active solitude is also a strategy to deal with loneliness. It entails that when you feel isolated, you must engage in active behaviours, like writing or reading, play music.

People must self-help to avoid lonely feeling. They must not isolate from society, keep busy in many ways, and enhance education and knowledge base. Psychologists opined that the key healing agents for loneliness are awareness, acceptance, and compassion.

In wrapping the facts of loneliness, it is found that this unpleasant emotion has impact on all age people at different time in life cycle. It is a personal subjective feeling.  In this state people become physically or emotionally detached from others. Even though a person might have many friends around them still feel pain of emotional or social loneliness. In order to rise from our loneliness, we must thought positively, look forward, approach people with sanguinity and broaden social circle through internet technology.

Important: This article is developed through environmental information, academic experience and/ or personal view of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement


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