
Showing posts from December, 2019

How to get rid from Tokophobia: fear of pregnancy

Tokophobia is not familiar to general public but it is experienced by pregnant women who sometimes do not express their inner feeling to their family members. In psychological language, Tokophobia denotes to an extreme and irrational fear of pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnant women are highly scared and nervous about child birth because it changes their body as well as lifestyle. But for the women who suffer from tokophobia, the nervousness surrounding labour can be enfeebling. Primary tokophobia may have its beginning in adolescence, affecting female up to such an extent that some women never bear a child. This terror has led women to avoid pregnancy for fear of dying, despite their desire to have children. Many of these are never relieved by this fear. Secondary tokophobia may be linked with past traumatic birth experience like stillbirth, termination of pregnancy, and an obstetric event such as unexplained stillbirth or delivery of a malformed child. Major symptoms