
Showing posts from December, 2017

How to judge compatibility for marriage partners

Marriage is a holy unification of two persons with the shower of divine forces on earth. While living in this planet, it is natural right of humans to choose his/her partner in companionable manner. Though it is a thorny task for parents, relatives as well as person to appraise the compatibility, some key factors may aid them to judge the like-mindedness in partners and find suitable match for marriage to step forward and enjoy the precious moment in their life. Age is the major factor which needs to consider while arranging the marriage of boy or girl. While judging the compatibility for marriage partner, it is the responsibility of elders to fix marriage according to physiology. It is physiological fact that girls gain maturity at early stage as compared to boy. Parents of elders must assess that boy and girl must have same maturity level at the time of marriage. Astrology have immense significance in arranging marriage no matter people living in any corner of t

Lineage is the central notion in yoga philosophy

With reference to yoga language, lineage denotes to the historical progression of knowledge transmitted from teacher to pupils. Lineage offers harmony between a yoga devotee and the historical foundation of the practice. Lineage is also labelled as parampara, a Sanskrit term which means "an uninterrupted row or series. In basic term, lineage is the basis of yoga's legacy which is humble, subtle and free from the dangers of personal ego. It has been witnessed in vast theoretical literature and practical training that the practices of Yoga have been transmitted from generation to generation since ancient period and their forms have changed over the centuries. The historical background of yoga is captivating and has a vital role in the yoga for modern generation. Yoga originated in the sacred texts of the Rig Veda more than 5,000 years ago and imparted valuable knowledge to people. From primeval India to modern-day societies, history of yoga has great impact on peop

Yoga in spiritual perspective

Yoga is a holistic way to lead peaceful life. It provides skills to assimilate the body, mind and breath, and link to the inner core of being that is the spiritual aspect of human life. The mind often vacillates between the past and future which leads to worry and expectation. Such desires, fear, passions, dislikes grip the mind. In order to lessen the mental conflict, it is vital to bring the mind to the present moment. Yoga purifies the body and mind of amassed stress and negative feelings. Through yoga, people reach to higher level of consciousness. With regular practice of yoga poses, practitioners gain body balance and elasticity improves, and makes them healthy, strong and alert. Spirituality is stemmed from Latin Spiritus which entails breath of life. Spirituality has different meaning to each individual. According to Sri Daya Mata, “ Spirituality lies not in the power to heal others, to perform miracles or to astound the world with our wisdom, but in the ability to