
Showing posts from July, 2018

Important facts about Heller’s syndrome: Childhood disintegrative disorder

Children suffer range of mental disorders which are severe and challenging. Heller's syndrome is one of the unusual mental syndrome during early stage of human life cycle. Childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD), also referred as Heller's syndrome, is a rare mental state characterized by late onset of developmental delays in language, social function, and motor skills . Heller's syndrome or disintegrative psychosis is part of wide spectrum of disorders also called autism spectrum disorders. Individuals who grip in Heller’s syndrome will have normal development in the early stages. This regression is unexpected due to rapid loss of abilities . Warning symptoms of Heller's syndrome are as under: -Loss of social skills -Loss of bowel and bladder control -Loss of expressive or receptive language -Loss of motor skills -Lack of play -Failure to develop peer relationships -Weakening in nonverbal behaviours -Delay or lack of spoken language

Boom of Gig economy in modern world

Gig economy is a type of labour market pigeonholed by the dominance of short-term contracts or freelance activities in contract to permanent jobs. Recently there is boom of contract or freelance work at global level. In global business arena, advanced technology has created pioneering and more flexible ways to meet demand of customers. Among workforces, the gig economy is a new set of expectations and approaches to work. Person, a gig signifies a small part of a worker’s income. When employees combined array of tasks, their cumulative remunerations can be analogous to that of full-time occupation. In contemporary environment, majority of SMEs wanted to create a culture of gig economy. There are great advantages of Gig economy. This offers immense flexibility for workers to complete the project or task besides profit.  The gig economy is backed and fast-tracked by the emergence of technology and clienteles who expect goods and services to arrive faster than ever before.

Threatening mental health disorders of HIV/AIDS patient

Mental health of individual is important for good living. It is a state of overall happiness in which every individual understands his or her own capabilities, can cope with the normal anxieties of life, and can work efficiently. When a person is gripped under dreaded disease HIV, he/she needs to take good care of physical health and mental health. HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is the virus that leads to AIDS. Individuals who suffer from HIV are at high risk for developing range of mental disorders such as mood, anxiety, and cognitive disorders. They may also undergo other mental ailment like depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, suicidal thoughts, and insomnia. Stresses that can trigger to mental health problems for HIV patients, include: -        Having trouble in getting the services they need. -        They do not get social support and in turn live in isolation. -        HIV patients may loss job that leads to intense stress. -    

How to choose stunning profile photo in social media

Internet technology has offered myriads of opportunities to get connected with people around the globe.   While interacting through internet media, it is important to have gorgeous profile picture. Profile photo leaves the first impression. It must be chosen carefully. Profile pic should be friendly and appealing. A profile picture is the image of an individual that signifies a social media account to interact in social media platform. Profile pictures are displayed as an avatar next to the account name on posts, comments and mentions. For choosing good profile picture that attract others and reflect good persona, it is imperative to take consent of family, and other trusted persons in social circle. Profile photos should represent clearly identify of person, a true face. It is just a suggestion that in profile photo, do not include other people or picture of some celebration. But it is an individual choice. To leave good impression on friends and other connected peo

Factors responsible for Nervous breakdown and tactics to manage it

Human mind is very sensitive in nature. Sometimes we respond to intricate situations in emotional manner and unable to cope up. In such conditions, our mind becomes lethargic and we experience emotional breakdown. It is highly important to know the techniques to manage such negative mental state to stay healthy. Nervous breakdown expounds emotional or physical stress that momentarily makes us still and in such condition we are unable to function in daily activities. A nervous breakdown is a severe mental health problem that needs instant professional treatment. It is generated by excess stress and lack of effective coping mechanisms to manage that pressure. Stress in individual comes from different sources such as work related. During nervous breakdown, person is not in a condition to function normally. Individual must seek psychiatrist’s advice when undergoing through nervous breakdown. By thorough evaluation psychiatrist can determine the underlying causes of stress that tr

Yoga for pregnant women

Yoga practices are always helpful for individuals to maintain healthy mental and physical state. Yoga during pregnancy also has huge benefits. Yoga aids pregnant women to gain strength and increase stamina. Regular yoga practices can lessen stress and anxiety and women feel comfortable for normal delivery. During pregnancy, women experience lots of pain in neck, shoulders and back pains. Yoga is the best way to manage such discomfort. It strengthens muscles, lead to good blood circulation, and women feel more energetic. Yoga also helps in dealing with medical issues during pregnancy such as sciatic pains, back pains, edema (Swellings), mood swings, and depressions. Good yoga postures for pregnant women : Hatha Yoga improves physical strength and posture during pregnancy and promotes stable breathing, improved awareness and women feel relaxed. Iyengar Yoga focuses on the poses above breathing and meditation. Iyengar yoga is very accessible as it uses a variety o

Affiliate Marketing is an effective way to generate revenue

Affiliate marketing can be an incredible platform and sales channel for an online merchant.   Affiliate marketing has been in practice since over a decade to earn money. With the inception of internet technology, there is a boom of affiliate marketing. Online business persons can earn good amount of money with a click on reference link. Numerous E-commerce websites like Flipkart or Amazon, offer a referral link to sell their product. These links leave referral bonus after completion of sale or purchase. In affiliate marketing process, there is a participation of four people that include the affiliate website, the affiliate network, the promoter and the purchaser. Major advantage of affiliate marketing is that it is completely performance-based. Affiliates are only get a commission when product or services are sold through their website or blog. These forces motivate them to make efforts to reach target buyers. Another advantage of affiliate marketing is low cost of runni

Tips to stay safe in flight

Air travel is enjoyable as well as passengers carry some risk. Today air travel is quite safe due to technical advancement and air industry takes utmost precaution for the security of their esteemed travellers. People travelling by air need to be well prepared before flying to make journey pleasurable. While selecting the flight for destination, it is good to choose larger aircraft because these aircrafts are designed and certified under the strictest regulations. Another safety point is that large aircrafts offer a better opportunity for passenger survival in case of emergency. While flying, travellers must choose comfortable dress.   Best clothes are those made of breathable cotton, or wool blends. Wearing proper dress enable the travellers to move quickly and protect their skin from exposure to friction or flame. Female should avoid skirts instead they can choose jeans and slacks in flight. Passengers need to carefully prepare run kit while traveling in flight

Fixed denture: Advanced dental technology for multiple missing teeth

In human body, teeth has great importance for aesthetic look as well as functionality. If person has dental issues or moving or missing teeth, his/her life is quite difficult and needs proper dental care. To repair moving teeth or alternate solution to missing teeth, dentists can advise multiple treatment options. One of the advanced dental technology for multiple missing teeth is fixed dentures. These are also called non-removable dentures.   These denture devices consist of a row of prosthetic teeth connected to a framework that is held in position by dental implants. In simple form, a fixed denture is a replacement of an entire row or single teeth within the upper or lower jaw or both. Dental surgeons take utmost care to design these tooth replacements to simulate natural teeth with good appearance. A fixed denture is simply a series of dental implants with a fixed bridge attached to look like naturally healthy teeth. This advanced medical technology is really a won

Electroconvulsive therapy for severe mental illness

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is given to patients suffering from severe psychiatric disorder. ECT is applied to treat patients who grip in following mental syndrome: -Severe depression, mainly when accompanied by detachment from reality (psychosis). Patients develop a desire to commit suicide or refusal to eat. -Treatment-resistant depression, a severe depression that cannot be treated with medications or other treatments. -Severe mania, a state of intense euphoria, agitation or hyperactivity that occurs as part of bipolar disorder. -Catatonia in which there is a strange movements, lack of speech, and other symptoms. It's related with schizophrenia. -Agitation and aggression in people with dementia, which can be difficult to treat. In this therapy, a procedure in which a brief application of electric stimulus is used to produce a generalized seizure. Usually, this therapy is applied for treating patients with severe depression, acute mania, and cert

Knowledge of Tacophobia (fear of speed)

Tachophobia is a type of phobia in which person suffers from an intense fear of speed. Driving at a high speed creates a feeling of loss of control in many persons. Prime factors that trigger tacophobia are earlier experience of some kind of trauma and hereditary or genetics. Fear of speed can influence choice of transport as well as driving style. When undergoing this irrational fear, people even dreadful when they think of something associated with speed. The fear upsurges as the person fears of dying due to increasing speed. The tachophobia is irrigational and people generally do not manage it. People suffering from tachophobia display symptoms such as breathlessness, dizziness; a dry mouth, nausea, palpitation, sweating profusely. Tacophobia can be treated with psychotherapies like cognitive behaviour therapy. Morita therapy is also supportive where person shall be exposed to an image of a speeding car and then to another image which can clam his/her nerves.

Therapies to lessen fear of steep slopes: bathmophobia

Intense fear for specific object or situation is prevalent in masses. One such irrational terror is Bathmophobia, the fear of stairs or steep slopes. When exploring the causes of phobia, it is established in psychological studies that heredity, genetics, and brain chemistry pooled with life-experiences have key role in the progress of phobias. Bitter experience of past associated with stairs or slopes make the victims feel endangered while undertaking such activity in the future. Individual suffering from phobia shows array of symptoms that include extreme anxiety, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, sweating, excessive sweating, nausea, dry mouth, inability to articulate words or sentences, dry mouth and shaking. There are several treatment options for Bathmophobia sufferers that include relaxation techniques, therapies and medications. In combination with other therapies, anti-anxiety medicines are prescribed for bathmophobia treatments. Relax

DNA as a biometric identifier for businesses

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is unique to every individual on the earth except identical twins who have similar DNA. It can be easily gained from various sources. It is frequently used in forensics to match crime scene evidence to persons. DNA is the genetic material found in most living organisms. Each individual human is recognisable by hereditary characters found in their DNA, which is located in the nucleus of the cells as well as the mitochondria. DNA functions as a genetic code which is distinctive to every organism. Technical innovation and advancements in biometrics pose new risks as well as great advantages. In present business scenarios, DNA is progressively used as a biometric identifier. Major ground for using DNA technology for biometric identifier is that it is most accurate technology that never fails. This is the only biometric process that allows us to link relatives to a person. This means that with an appropriate DNA test, experts are able to tell if two

Kids counselling for their problem behaviour

Grooming a child is intricate task. Child is at learning stage so they can express well and sometimes show irate or unusual behaviour. If parents do not take care of their kids at an early stage then they may develop serious emotional or behaviour problems at later stage. Emotional and behaviours problems of child fall in two categories that include externalizing and internalizing. Externalizing problems are outer directed and involve acting out, defiant, and noncompliant behaviour. Internalizing problems are more inner directed and involve withdrawn, depression and anxiety. Additionally, small children generally demonstrate some behaviours that are different from above categories such as difficulty in sleep schedules, eating problems, issues related to toilet training. There are several causes of developing emotional or disrupting behaviour in preschool age. Children who had low birth weight at birth or those who suffered neurological injury are more susceptible to dev

How to lessen ear pain during landing and take off

While traveling by air, travellers face many problems. They may experience pain in ears during beginning of flight when the airplane is taking off or during landing. These drastic changes in height cause air pressure changes and can generate pain in ears. Actually when aeroplane taking-off or landing, cabin air pressure changes quickly and disrupts the balance of pressure between the outer ear and the middle ear. Many individuals experience trouble when the higher pressure stretches the eardrum, the membrane separating the outer and middle ears. In flight, passengers who feel ear pain may exhibit numerous symptoms such as slight discomfort or pain in ear, feeling of fullness or stuffiness in ear and stifled hearing or slight to moderate hearing loss. If they experience pain for several hours, individuals’ complaint of severe pain, pressure in their ears just like being underwater, moderate to severe hearing loss, ringing in their ear (tinnitus), rotating sensation (vertigo),

Frozen food: calculate the merits and demerits

Frozen foods are new trend in contemporary society especially in western countries. These are reflected as less healthy and low nutritive value when compared to fresh foods. This is due to the heavy processing, use of artificial ingredients and flavours used for frozen foods. In reality, buying frozen foods are highly advantageous to people in terms of quality, nutrition, cost and safety. There are several advantages of consuming frozen foods . Frozen foods are superior of quality as these maintain all the flavour and nutrients. According to frozen food foundation, Frozen foods have more nutritive value than fresh produce because fresh products are harvested long before coming to store. Fresh produce may deteriorate fast if not consumed early. Another key benefit is that Frozen foods are cost effective. These can be refrigerated for several weeks but we cannot preserve fresh produce for long time without losing its nutritive value. Frozen foods can be served i

Tips to alleviate Jet lag

Globalization leads to major transformation in human life. People frequently migrate from one place to another. In crossing time zones, we may experience lots of problem. Jet lag is one of them which can result in headaches, stomach problems, nausea, trouble in concentrating, and sleeping. Jet lag, also termed as desynchronosis and flight fatigue, is a momentary syndrome that causes tiredness, insomnia, and other signs due to air travel across time zones. It is a circadian rhythm sleep disorder, which is a disturbance of the internal body clock. Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles in the biochemical, physiological, and behavioural processes of human bodies. They control person’s daily actions like sleep, waking, eating, and body temperature regulation. When circadian rhythms are considerably dismayed due to frequent migration, it leads to jet lag. Main cause of jet lag is the incapability of the body of a voyager to instantly adjust to the time in a different zone.