Stay safe in flight

Air travel is enjoyable as well as passengers carry some risk. Today air travel is quite safe due to technical advancement and air industry takes utmost precaution for the security of their esteemed travellers.

People travelling by air need to be well prepared before flying to make journey pleasurable.

While selecting the flight for destination, it is good to choose larger aircraft because these aircrafts are designed and certified under the strictest regulations. Another safety point is that large aircrafts offer a better opportunity for passenger survival in case of emergency.

While flying, travellers must choose comfortable dress.  Best clothes are those made of breathable cotton, or wool blends. Wearing proper dress enable the travellers to move quickly and protect their skin from exposure to friction or flame. Female should avoid skirts instead they can choose jeans and slacks in flight.

Passengers need to carefully prepare run kit while traveling in flight. This include wallet, passport, money and credit cards, medication if necessary, a printed list of emergency contact numbers, and a mobile phone. The perfect run kit is cross body wallet bag.

Business persons traveling in flight carry laptop or other electronic devices. It is advised that they must take backup of their files and records to a separate hard-drive, or the cloud, or both, before leaving for the airport. The electronic devices must be in good condition. Traveller’s smartphone, tablet, or laptop must not cause a fire on board.

The most important thing is to carefully watch safety video even if passenger know all the instructions. They should keep their seat belt buckled because it will protect them from turbulence on a flight.

Traveling by flight is sometimes risky and emergency situation arise at any time. Therefore people must be fully aware of their surroundings. After settling down in flight, they should know the exit door.

It is always good to relax in flight. People can use flight entertainment system and enjoy the journey.
People must not consume alcohol excessively as it will make them dehydrated, bloated.
Travellers must respect crew members and flight attendant. They must be gentle to other passengers also.

In final words, Journey of flight is really enjoyable if some precautions have been taken to stay safe. Therefore we must always take preventive measures, prepare run kit and ready to face the challenges on which we do not have any control.

Writer wishes happy landing to all travellers and thanks to readers.


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