Fixed denture: Advanced dental technology for multiple missing teeth

In human body, teeth has great importance for aesthetic look as well as functionality. If person has dental issues or moving or missing teeth, his/her life is quite difficult and needs proper dental care. To repair moving teeth or alternate solution to missing teeth, dentists can advise multiple treatment options. One of the advanced dental technology for multiple missing teeth is fixed dentures. These are also called non-removable dentures.  These denture devices consist of a row of prosthetic teeth connected to a framework that is held in position by dental implants.

In simple form, a fixed denture is a replacement of an entire row or single teeth within the upper or lower jaw or both. Dental surgeons take utmost care to design these tooth replacements to simulate natural teeth with good appearance. A fixed denture is simply a series of dental implants with a fixed bridge attached to look like naturally healthy teeth.

This advanced medical technology is really a wonderful options for elderly or other people who struggle with missing teeth. With permanent dentures, people can eat, chew, bite, talk and smile without any hesitation or low esteem. Person cannot remove fixed dentures and these give impression of natural teeth.

Procedure for fixing permanent dentures:

For placement of permanent dentures, initial step of dental surgeon is to perform an oral examination of the patient’s dentition. Then dentists go for scanning of the jawbone to determine the exact locations for implant placements two in the anterior region and two at the back of the jawbone. The permanent dentures will be affixed to the implants following the healing period, during which time the implants would biologically fuse to the jawbone. This process is called osseointegration.

Pros of fixed denture:

Fixed or permanent denture has range of benefits as compared to conventional implants because permanent dentures involves less surgical procedure and healing times. Fixed dentures also helpful for person eating food and speaking clearly. These denture deliver more even distribution of biting force and long-lasting. Fixed denture can easily maintained and person does not need to remove for cleaning. With fixed denture, person look natural, and young. These give optimal satisfaction to person.

Quality of life with fixed dentures:

Persons feel comfortable with fixed dentures as they experience naturally healthy teeth of their own. A fixed denture provides long-lasting stable option of teeth loss. People are confident and relaxed with fixed dentures. It is not difficult to maintain oral hygiene.  Fixed dentures also enhanced the living of individuals and they do not have hesitation to speak in public place or dining out.  

To bind up, patients who receive treatment of fixed denture for missing teeth are more satisfied as compared to other traditional option for teeth loss. Fixed denture are easily cleaned, more comfortable and look like natural teeth.

Important: This article is developed through environmental information, and/ or personal view of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement


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