Risk factors and prevention of suicide: A grim mental health issue

We hear tragic cases of suicide in different cultural society. Suicide is considered to be prevalent and key mental health issue at global scale.  It can be frightening when our near one shows symptoms of suicidal feelings. A suicidal tendency evidently indicates grim problem in individual’s life. There is a tragic story behind every suicide. Many suicides happen impulsively and in such circumstances, easy access to the means of suicides are like pesticides or firearms.

In general, suicide rates are lower in person under 15 years of age and highest among 70 years and older. Several prominent theorists like Karl Marx believed that the abuse of women and their treatment as a second grade citizens was primarily responsible for their suicide. In ancient India, suicide was regarded as an acceptable alternative to dying from threatening illness. In the beginning of twentieth century psychiatry had developed a science. Physicians began to attribute suicidal ideations to mental disorders. According to Freud, people used suicide as an outlet for hostility. Eminent American psychologist,  Shneidman concluded that all suicide victims  bear intense psychological pain and he believed that these persons are isolated  from others and think that suicide is only solution. Though, the desire to commit suicide afflict all types of people but trends signify that males have higher rate of suicide as compared to women. Mental health experts believe that women tend to be less impulsive than men. The reason is that women worry more about how their suicide may affect their family members.

Some people think that suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problem. Teens and adult suicide is differ in some way. Adults are more likely to complete the suicide attempt. They plan more carefully. In teens, common triggers for suicidal action are breakup with girlfriend or boyfriend, arguments with parent, getting failed in exam, losing a competition, getting blamed for something. It has been found that suicide happens among athletes, artists and class clowns.

People show following signs of suicidal tendencies:

·        Withdrawal and isolation from family and peers
·        Consuming alcohol and drugs
·        Deterioration in school performance
·        Amplified irritability
·        Dramatic change in dress, activities or friends
·        Giving away of possessions
·        Conversation of suicide
·        Alterations in sleep or appetite

Risk factors of suicidal tendencies:

It is well observed that people of all genders, ages, and cultures can be at risk. All mental disorder are associated with elevated risk of suicide such as mood disorders, schizophrenia, and substance abuse disorder. Researchers have also found inherited basis of suicide.
Key risk factors for suicide are as under:
·        Depression, or substance abuse disorder
·        Certain medical conditions
·        Chronic pain
·        An earlier suicide attempt
·        Family history of a mental disorder
·        Family history of suicide
·        Family violence
  • Having guns or other firearms in the home

Preventive techniques for suicide:

Numerous psychosocial interventions are helpful for people who have suicidal tendencies. These interventions may avert person from suicidal thought. Therapies like psychotherapy, or talk therapy, is effective psychosocial intervention to lessen suicide risk.

Cognitive behavioural therapy is very effectual to teach people new ways of handling stressful experiences. CBT helps persons to recognize their own thought patterns and consider alternative actions when they think of dreadful suicide. Other psychotherapy such as dialectical behavior therapy is also supportive to reduce the rate of suicide among people. A trained therapist helps a person to identify when his or her feelings or actions are troublesome or unhealthy. This therapy trains the person in the skills needed to cope up with distressing circumstances. In school, prevention of suicide is education. Teenage is very sensitive therefore good education can prevent suicidal tendencies. Lack of skills and poor solving skills contribute to teen’s suicide.

Coping strategies for suicidal thoughts are anger management, conflict resolution, stress and anxiety management, financial planning, Assertiveness, building healthy relationship, relaxation, self-care, communication and mindfulness. To eradicate the feeling of suicide, people must throw the thoughts of hopelessness and visualize golden future opportunities for better personal and career life.

To wrap up, suicide is ugly part of civilization. When people are in extreme trouble, they choose suicide to end the life. It can be said that it is an irrational desire to end life. WHO expounded that suicide is an act with a fatal outcome which the deceased himself plan and carry out. Individuals develop suicide thought when something goes very bad in their life. Suicide is also related to several mental disorders. For example, untreated depression is a leading cause of suicide. It is indicated by psychiatrists and mental health providers that suicide prevention is complex task.

Important: This article is developed through environmental information, academic experience and/ or personal view of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement


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