Knowledge of Tacophobia (fear of speed)

Tachophobia is a type of phobia in which person suffers from an intense fear of speed. Driving at a high speed creates a feeling of loss of control in many persons. Prime factors that trigger tacophobia are earlier experience of some kind of trauma and hereditary or genetics. Fear of speed can influence choice of transport as well as driving style.

When undergoing this irrational fear, people even dreadful when they think of something associated with speed. The fear upsurges as the person fears of dying due to increasing speed. The tachophobia is irrigational and people generally do not manage it.

People suffering from tachophobia display symptoms such as breathlessness, dizziness; a dry mouth, nausea, palpitation, sweating profusely.

Tacophobia can be treated with psychotherapies like cognitive behaviour therapy. Morita therapy is also supportive where person shall be exposed to an image of a speeding car and then to another image which can clam his/her nerves.

To cope up with Tacophobia, people must have to face the fear. It will assist them to lessen the dreaded feeling. They have to realize that there is nothing embarrassing about.

In summarizing the facts, it is comprehended that Tachophobia is an abnormal fear of speed. It is mainly associated with physical motion, as in driving too fast.

Important: This article is developed through environmental information, academic experience and/ or personal view of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement


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