Yogic management for common psychological problems

Yoga is emerged as a means of exercise system to remain healthy and fit both physically and mentally. In other words, Yoga is the best alternative and extensively used balancing rehabilitations to manage range of ailments. Although physical and mental health are natural significances of yoga, the major intent of yoga practices is more comprehensive. According to intellectuals and yogic gurus, Yoga is about coordinating oneself with the universe in order to achieve the highest level of insight in life.

It is important to state that yoga is not associated with any religion, philosophy or society instead it is an influential tactics for leading healthy, happier and peaceful life. World health organization mentioned in reports that Yoga is a universal methodology for the progress of human to reach in divine altitudes through adopting certain therapeutic techniques. The aim of this guide is to elaborate the yoga practices for alleviating psychological problems faced by people in day to day life. In the view of many yoga experts, Yoga is a science of mind. The yogic practices are very effective for preventing and offer therapy of mental syndromes as well as provide mental concord and enable person to accomplish psychic and spiritual wellbeing. In the yogic system, the body, mind and spirit jointly work to make life comfortable and increase consciousness through the awakening of the chakras.

Psychological problems:

Yoga therapies are used in psychological problems faced by people in today’s hectic and complicated world. These are anxiety, stress, anger, fear, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, alzheimer disease, parkinson’s diseases, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder and suppression. Depression is a mental ailment which shows symptoms such as increased sadness and anxiety, loss of appetite, depressed mood, and a loss of interest in pleasing activities. If timely therapeutic treatment is not given, it may lead to severe consequences. Patients with depression may develop suicidal tendency. It is normally treated with antidepressants and/or psychotherapy.
In competitive work environment, many people suffer from different types of stressors that can affect them in life. Stress is an intricate, dynamic process of interaction between a person and his or her life. Stress can have adverse impact on individual health, work performance, social life, and the relationship with family members. The stress response is a complex emotion that produces physiological changes to prepare us for fight-or-flight, to protect ourselves from the threat or escape from it.

Causes of human psychological illness:

People who have unhealthy lifestyle may be more depressed than healthier people. People normally suffer from numerous psychological problems due to overwork, poor diet, including excess caffeine or sugar, lack of exercise, poor sleep, lack of leisure time as well as fun and recreational activities.

There are some environmental causes for developing psychological illness such as consuming synthetic chemicals, in the form of food additives and preservatives, pesticides, hormones and drugs, and industrial byproducts. Natural catastrophes such as destructive hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes, as well as man-made catastrophic and traumatic events such as September 11, 2001 can also lead to depression.

Importance of yoga in psychological illness:

Yoga practices have significant role in improving overall human health. Yoga psychotherapy treat physical and mental illness and support positive psycho-spiritual growth and development. Good health can be maintained through pure mind and body where the pure blood flows which is free of toxins. The mind becomes pure which is free from defilements such as Raga, Dvesha, Kama,Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Ahankara etc.  To maintain purity of body and mind, yogic practices must be performed by people. Perfect health is mentioned in Ayurveda by Charaka as:

“Yogaha prakarshartha jararogani barhanah
Manah sharira shuddhanam siddhyanti prayatamanam “

Yoga is the amalgamation with lively longevity by releasing oneself from age related issues which shall be attained through continuous efforts of keeping the body mind complex pure. Yoga analyses, eradicates and transfers different types of samskaras to restore balance in the personality and train the mind for higher psychic and spiritual achievements. Swami Satyananda expressed his views as “Yoga is a science of consciousness". He further mentioned that Yoga provides mastery over all the stages of consciousness or awareness and makes us spectators of experience.

Yogic management:

Yoga practices are found to be effective in the management of psychological disorders. Different yogic techniques, such as asana and pranayama of Hatha Yoga, and meditations are helpful in lessening general psychological problems faced by people in daily life. Popular intellectual, Swami Vivekananda pronounced that concentration and detachment are major principles of true education for total development. Famous yoga pundit, Patanjali represented in his second sutra while defining the term Yoga.

“Yogah chitta vritti nirodhaha”

Yoga is total control over mental changes. Yoga practices empower people to concentrate which helps to overcome the disturbances in the mind and people are exceled in skill to conquer various ailment. Yoga vasishtha an important yogic scripture, defines yoga as:

“Manah Prasamano payah yogah ityabhi dheeyate”

Yoga has developed techniques of experiencing the different levels of consciousness and incorporates the concept of the super conscious mind. The ultimate aim of Yoga is expansion of this consciousness. The British Psychological Society stated that yoga involves concentration on the breath and body, which makes it a great way to calm a person’s mind and relieve qualms. Yoga improves mental, and spiritual health. In an article published through Harvard University, it is mentioned that yoga helps to regulate a person’s stress response system. With its ability to lower blood pressure and heart rate as well as improve respiration, yoga aids people to deal with and resolve anxiety and depression without going for costly medications. In research studies, it is demonstrated that yoga increases memory and improves concentration. For instance, Dharana is the flawless way to clear mind and calm senses. Yoga prevents the start of poor mental health conditions, which are predominant during adolescence. Kripalu Yoga involves physical postures, breathing, relaxation, and meditation.

It has been observed that yoga diminishes the effects of traumatic experiences. Women who have been ill-treated, as well as recruited military employees who have gone into battle with enemy fighters, generally develop mental ailment Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. These patients frequently experience nightmares and flashbacks. Hatha Yoga has been very effective in treating PTSD symptoms.

Yoga techniques are useful in lensing the impact of serious Alzheimer disease. It is described as a progressive neurologic disorder that affects the brain and results in cognitive impairments such as forgetfulness, recent memory loss, difficulty learning, deterioration in personal hygiene and Inability to concentrate, problem in communicating and abstract thinking. Sahaja yoga improves neurocognitive functions in patients with major depression, Pranayama improves verbal and spatial memory scores, Combination of aerobic exercises and yoga improved cognitive and psychological functioning in the elderly people. Parkinson’s disease is also treated by yoga practices in which person shows the symptoms of dementia, depression, sleep disturbance and hallucination. Lower limb and hip strengthening practices such as Uattana padasana, vakrasana, lumbar stretch, cycling in supine assist in balancing the posture. For attention and concentration, bet yoga approaches are pranayama and chanting. To Improve Motor skills and Self- care, Sukshma vyayama – shakthi vikasaka practices will be helpful.

Yoga practices aid to develop integrated personality of which the body, mind and spirit are integral components. Yoga leads to physical and mental wellbeing and higher spiritual awareness. The main goal of Yoga is to attain peace and calmness within an individual. People who regularly practise Yoga can release stress and anxiety. It is both preventative and curative of mental disorders and produce mental peace and interstellar consciousness.

Practicing different types of yoga will give both body/mind wellness. Out of the eight steps, Patanjali's steps of Raja Yoga, the first four: yama, niyama, asana and pranayama, axe exoteric and are considered to be the psycho-physiological preparations for the actual Yoga practices. The practice of Yoga mainly begins with the fifth step, pratyahara, which is removal and control of the senses. Pratyahara, along with the next three steps of Raja Yoga, namely dharana (concentration on one object or idea), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (sublime equanimity) is esoteric and primarily psychological and psychic.

Yoga techniques of Patanjali and their therapeutic implication greatly contribute in the treatment of psychiatric patients such as asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana and dhyana. Every yogic practice, have psychological implications. Vajrasana, shashankasana, anandamadirasana, garbhasana, as well as pranayama are highly beneficial in lessening depression. Likewise, vipareeta karani mudra, shalabhasana, yoga mudra and shavasana are supportive in assuaging nervousness and improv memory. Kapalbhati and bhramari pranayama relieve nervous tension. The practice of Karma Yoga, Kriya Yoga and meditation aid in lessening negative emotions like anger, anxiety, stress and mental turbulences. These yoga practices train the mind for higher psychic achievements. From the perspective of mental ailments, and for the treatment of behavioural problems Yoga Nidra, Antar Mouna and Ajapa Japa are highly beneficial. Yoga Nidra is principally a relaxation technique. The practise of Yoga Nidra transforms one's mind, treat illnesses, reinstates creative brilliance and develops the capacity to penetrate into the depths of the human mind. Antar Mouna, termed as inner silence, is also an effective practice of mental relaxation. Sometimes in life, conflicting thoughts and desires leads to heavy strain and other psychosomatic problems. The detachment practised in Antar Mouna is beneficial to bring mental peace and quiet. This practice removes any permanent thought that disturbs the mind.

Ajapa Japa is the spontaneous mantra of the breath. It is said that the breath goes in with the sound of 'So' and comes out with the sound of 'Ham'. People who practice of Ajapa Japa are mentally healthy. 
From comprehensive angle, yoga practice helps people to get rid from array of mental disorders. With more physical practices as Asanas, breathing practices and Kriyas (cleansing techniques as kapalabhati, Trataka, Neti.), patients lessen the agitations they feel. Yoga practices increase awareness. Yoga also helps in increasing the attention span.  By practicing yoga, a patient may be able to maintain a state of focused attention with greater ease and for longer periods. Through continuos yoga practice, people may develop a sense of security. Bhakti is a great source of strength to a “recovered” patient.

Concluding remarks:

Yoga is an effectual medium to impact on multidimensional facets of person’s health. This yoga article emphasized manifold features of good health at physical level, physiological, and mental level. In an investigation, scholars have reported that there is clear evidence of yoga     having healing effect in psychological problems such as depression, stress, memory loss in elderly persons, schizophrenia, and suppression. Yogic science comprises of yogasanas (postures), pranayama (breathing practices), dhyana (meditation), and relaxation techniques which help people to relive from psychological ailment at every level. The practice of yoga guide people to take right action and adopt healthy lifestyle.


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