Whether buying gold is lucrative?

Investing on any financial plan is intricate decision. Buying physical Gold is a long-term investment. From the angle of financial professionals, Gold always has been a worthwhile investment and commodity. Though Gold price varies, but its value is everlasting.

In general, people tend to perceive gold as an investment instead of as money. Since thousands of years, gold is considered as a wealth of family. Especially, females of family feel secure if they have sufficient gold jewellery in possession. In modern time, gold is a good investment because it can easily be converted into cash. It is highly valuable to purchase gold because the recession and continuing financial crisis in worldwide markets, investors from all over the world feel protected in volatile economic market if they have enough gold coins.

Investment in gold also protects against inflation as buying power of currencies decreases with time due to increased cost of goods and services. Sometimes, gold is used as a hedge against US dollars. Gold value increases if dollar value decreases.  Buying gold is helpful to manage financial risk. People invest in gold in the form of jewellery, gold coin or gold bar and bullion. There is also trend of online buying and selling of gold.

In nutshell, gold is used as an investment from centuries and as a protection in crisis. It can be easily bought and easily liquefied asset.


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