Strategies to lessen injury in elderly age

Seniors are more vulnerable to injuries, accidents or other severe health issues. Among these problem, falls are major cause of injuries, followed by hospital admissions for trauma, and deaths. Medical cases indicated that one in every three seniors (age 65 and older) will fall each year. According to survey, simple falls, like slipping while walking, or in washroom may seem comparatively harmless but at elderly stage, short fall down is very dangerous and may sometimes be the cause of death. Therefore it is the prime responsibility of caregiver and doctors to explore the leading causes of happening such incidents and advise approaches to reduce injury.

When elderly people short falls, they may undergo problems like minor injuries, including bruises, abrasions, and lacerations. But when the impact of fall is more, elderly people get major injuries, including intracranial injuries (ICIs) and fractures. They may also get hip fractures. Weakness, chronic illnesses, vision problems, and medication side-effects are health based risks and lead to fall.

In old age, people must do physical as well as mental exercise regularly to improve balance and gain strength. Medication is good approach to enhance brain power. Another step to avert injuries is home modifications. Home security is needed to prevent intrusion. Home-based fire prevention devices should be in place and easy to use. Environmental risks for falling include sidewalks, or risky footwears.

Aging people can avoid falling through understanding some common factors. They must recognize which fall prevention strategies are most likely to help them. They must assess risky situations, and take steps to avoid them, know which medical conditions and which medications to ask their doctors to look into, and understand the causes of a specific fall, which can help them to avoid future falls. In other words, elderly people must be given counselling by mental health counsellor/ physicians to avoid falling in odd situation.  

In final words, the most dreaded issue in aging population is injury due to falls. There is a pressing need to pay attention on aging population to avoid such grave medical situation and make them healthy to live their comfortable and enjoyable full life.

Important: This article is developed through environmental information and personal view of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


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