Teenage memory that will thrill you all

Adolescence falls between the age of13 and 19 and can be considered the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood. In this period, there are drastic physical and psychological changes occur. Therefore, teenage is challenging as well as thrilling experience. Teenagers can have a conflicting response to adventure which can be very exhilarating and very frightening at the same time. Especially when teens try to do something innovative.

In teenage, both boys and girls spend maximum time with their peers and conform group norms. The motivation for affiliation and acceptance at this stage enable teens more open to peer and also tend to uphold the speedy development of novel relationships. Teenage folks just want to do fun. They want to live their life with adventure while they are still young, strong and heathy.

Teens are more enthused to go for trekking, do adventure and take risk. One such event in teen period of one girl may be thrilling as well as scary. When the girl was in teens and went on school tour to Nanak Sagar dam in northern region of India.  She was very excited with full of energy. Her main drive was adventure in water and she wanted to take any type of risk. But she was restricted as teachers and guides were watching her group. She along with her close friends walked in the garden nearby water and enjoyed the natural beauty. After sometime, teachers went to have snacks and were resting there. Girl and her best friend came near to the fencing of dam and looked in to the deep water which had no boundary. Only water was flowing and strides were heaping with cruel speed. There were huge stones mounted on the edge of water body to control the speed of water and then fencing was on the height. The girl and her friend thought something dangerous and both crossed the fencing and slowly they stepped down to stones fixed to control water flow. They reached to the edge lining of flowing water and started playing with breeze strides. They both were enthralling and sometimes jumping. These were the enjoyable moment for them without thinking dicey aspect of their act. Suddenly both girls heard the fearful sound from upper side. They looked over there. Teachers were shouting and asking them to come up immediately. Now both girls had realized that they will be scolded and punished. They came to the garden side and teachers dreadfully scolded them for their risky movement. But for teens, that moment was really thrilling which they never did till date.

But now it is realized that how risky moment was that and it is not advisable to take such dreadful action.

To make life exciting and enjoyable at teenage, girls and boys may develop some hobbies that give them satisfaction. By doing so, they will gain self-confidence and feel proud of themselves.

In ending the dialogue, teenage is period of emotionally high and low, and they do some adventurous activities being unaware of dangerous consequences.


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