Hundred million reason to believe that ghost exist

Vast paranormal studies were conducted to establish the existence of ghost. Still, this field is in infancy stage and researchers are confused about endurance of ghost on earth. It has been observed that majority of population believe that ghosts exist. For layman, “ghost” denotes to the notion that the spirits of the dead human or living being influence the physical world. Haunting can often include anything from a sensed presence, or objects moving, to spirit activity. The faith in ghosts dates back to the start of human existence. Several cultures and peoples throughout time have shared the true experiences that the human soul endures on after human death. They explained that soul has ability to return to earth and interact with the living person.

Many researches have shown that in Asian countries, people have more rigid thought of ghosts where ghosts are considered as neutral and can be mollified through rites or angered if activated. It is apparent in reports that some religious and spiritually powerful people have personally experienced paranormal activity in their life. According to some psychologists, hallucinations and delusions are more common among the people than most people realize, and are sometimes mistakenly interpreted as ghosts. Sleep paralysis, a phenomenon that happens when person wakes up while still in the dream-inducing REM stage of sleep, in which his body is paralyzed. Generally people accept that when they are unable to elaborate some natural occurrence or experience they consider it as paranormal event. As per live science, when soul leaves the body, the energy in his or her body goes into the environment. 

There is another scientific clarification. Neuroscientist and researchers expounded that ghost findings to electromagnetic fields and low frequency sound waves, which have the ability to produce feelings that are "unnatural."

Since human civilization, paranormal researches are frenzied debate. Scientists always stress on evidence whereas spiritual researchers believe on ghostly occurrence in human life. Some traditional groups in Western countries believe that paranormal phenomena is work of satanic forces.

It is an interesting and curious point to discuss that what happen after death or is there any entity after ending human life. Supernatural phenomena are still being rebuffed by the scientific community. Although no absolute evidence in a scientific manner is found but there are potent arguments in the favour of parapsychological concepts in ghost existence. According to the researches, human consciousness can exist independent of brain-activity. Human's psychic powers plays vital role in prediction or anticipation of future events. Telepathy is a sixth sense of some people. This kind of power, to be aware of someone else's thoughts does not exist as it has no physical basis. Another psychic power is Clairvoyance, an awareness of an object or event at a distance not through the normal senses. Precognition is prediction of an event in future. In Bi-location, a person being seen at two places at the same time.

It is recognized that ghost perception may be hallucinations or misinterpretations of vague stimuli. Other professionals indicated that supernatural insight can also ascend from reactions to toxic substances like carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and pesticide. It has also been suggested that fungal hallucinations caused by toxic mould which can stimulate haunting sightseeing. Such elaborations prove that there is no existence of supernatural entity in world. On the contrary, most people who believe in ghosts are due to their personal experience.

In America, Halloween once in the year is celebrated for everything supernatural. According to professionals, the bond between the living and the dead person becomes tougher around Halloween because people want to feel closer to the other world at this time of year. Actually, people give honour to the close ones who left them in this physical world.

Here, soul existence can be expounded to beat the scientific theory by a true incident experienced by a female in her early married life. She was very attached to her aunt living in her neighbourhood in Northern region of India. In fact, her aunt assisted her parents to find suitable life partner and aunt blessed the female after they tied the knot.  Time ran out and after four years, at one night that female felt uneasiness. She could not sleep at mid night. When she woke up next morning, she was very upset as she saw a lively dream about her aunt. In dream, she saw that her aunt came to her place, touched her and gave lots of blessing and flown. In next scene of dream, she saw that large numbers of people were gathered at some place for dinner but before starting dinner, all members took out small quantity of food from their plate and then they began to eat dinner. Then scenes were foggy and she woke up. Female could not understood the meaning of that dream. At around 9’0 clock on same day, her relative informed that her beloved aunt passed away and her traditional dinner after rituals was organized yesterday. Both female and her husband were stunned as female felt her aunt’s soul. Since her aunt was attached to female therefore soul met her in dream after leaving the body.

Though such incidents terrify the common man and there is hard to believe but it cannot be denied the presence of soul or ghosts. 

In ending the dialogue, it is condensed that paranormal phenomena is a matter of debate in nearly all culture throughout the world. Such beliefs are the events that infringe the boundaries of existing scientific theories. One group of researchers relate religious belief to paranormal occurrence while other investigators theorized that paranormal phenomena are cognitively inferior to disbelievers. Belief in the paranormal is a single cognitive personality trait.

Important: This article is based on interpretation of existing thoughts and personal views of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


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