Factors that trigger Ailurophobia: fear of cats

Ailurophobia is a category of particular phobia. It is a tenacious, irrational fear of cats. People who grip under this disorder fear from cats up to the extent that they cannot stand in the presence of cats.

There is no generally specific ground for developing ailurophobia. But it is said that early life traumatic events that involved cats may lead to this disorder in humans.

It has been observed that ailurophobia often begins in childhood and can develop into phobia including common anxiety and panic symptoms which can lead to severe panic attack. Among various factors that trigger ailurophobia, genetic factors prompt certain people to the extreme and irrational fear disorder. Research reports testified that there are greater chance of Ailurophobia disorder in the parents, children and siblings of a person with the phobia of cats than in relatives of someone without the fear of cats. This phobia can also be experienced by person having combination of increased internal and external stresses. People may also grip in such phobia when they learn maladaptive response to specific past experiences and situations that become generalised to future similar situations.

Major symptoms of Ailurophobia are feelings of terror or panic when thinking about cats, automatic or uncontrollable reactions when exposed to cats, increased heartbeat, and shortness of breath, trembling, and extreme escaping of cats.

For treating this problem, therapist use cognitive behavioural therapy to reduce the fear of cats in patients. The Ailurophobic individual is recommended to use relaxation and visualisation techniques when experiencing anxiety about cats. Another treatment technique for Ailurophobia is Neuro-Linguistic Programming.  Ailurophobia is also treated with psychotherapy. It focuses on the resolution of conflicts and stresses, as well as the developmental aspect that may be related to the phobia through talk therapy.

To encapsulate, Ailurophobia falls in the type of phobia related to excessive fear of cats. It is basically anxiety disorder wherein contact to the feared stimulus can lead to symptoms like sweating, shaking, heart palpitations, loss of breath, dry mouth, and incapability to think or speak clearly.

Important: This article is developed through environmental information, academic experience and/ or personal view of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement


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