Telepathy: mind to mind communication

Telepathy is common experience among two persons who have close relationship. When there is apparent communication between two minds without any sensory channels, it is known as thought transference and later termed as telepathy. It is a psychic phenomenon by which the transference of thoughts, ideas, feelings, sensations and mental images happens between two or more persons. A person who use telepathy can comprehend the minds of others. In the arena of parapsychology, telepathy is reflected to be a form of extra-sensory perception.

Telepathic communications normally happen between peoples who have deep affection or love. Such experiences generally have been reported among members of the same family and intimate friends, between couples. It can be said that people those are emotionally attached experience telepathy.

Types of telepathy:

In Parapsychology, several different forms of telepathy is explained:

Latent Telepathy is expounded as being the transfer of information, through psychic with an observable time-lag between transmission and reception.
Precognitive Telepathy involves transfer of information, through psychic power about the future state of an individual's mind.
Emotive telepathy involves the transfer of sensation through altered senses.

There are different types of telepathic activity such as telepathic impression (planting a message, image, or word into someone else's mind), Mind reading (copying or sensing, but not interfering with), mental communication (a smartphone of the mind), and mind control (commanding or compelling the thoughts, and thus the actions, of another person through telepathy).

In our society, numerous telepathic experiences between parents and their children have been reported. Besides family members and close friends, several psychiatrists have described telepathic links with their patients.

In concluding remark, it is settled that Telepathy is related with strong mind-to-mind communication, getting someone to feel or think or 'hear' something from distant, without using sounds or symbols but basic thought.


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