How grief counselling help to overcome grieving feeling

Life is not static. It changes its face in every stage of human living cycle. One of the hard truth of life is the loss of beloved one that pushes person into the well of grief. In psychological angle, loss is the state of being deprived of or being without something one has had. Greif is the pain or suffering experienced after the loss. Grief is related to feelings of sorrow, yearning, guilt, regret, and anger. Bereavement denotes specially to the process of recuperating from the death of near one. Both mental state involve myriads of feelings from unfathomable sadness to anger, and the process of adapting to major loss.

A grief counsellor is professionally trained to comprehend the process of grieving and works specially with persons who are deeply experiencing grieving thoughts due to death of beloved one such as a spouse or child. Nevertheless, these specialists work with clients in grief in array of situations such as in job loss, breakup in relationship. Grief counsellors assist people in effectual way by applying principles of psychotherapy. They aid clients work through the various feelings associated with the grieving process, from anger and anxiety to confusion and aloneness.

In grieving situation, many people loss their intellect and experience numbness and shock after losing near one. They are unable to exhibit their feelings to others. This is intricate mental state and may knock other threatening ailment. In this perilous health state, grief counsellors assist them to cope up with situation and move on as life runs at its own speed. 

The role of grief counsellor is great in healing the mental wound of clients. The prime responsibilities of these counsellors is to succour clients to identify and express their feelings in constructive way. Counsellor must not impose their professionalism and views of proper grieving or emotional expression on clients. They must cushion the client with favourable environment in which the clients can freely express their feelings.

It is normally observed that Denial, withdrawal, anger, fear, and attempts to avert further losses are natural elements of the grieving process. When dealing with grieved client, counsellor’s role is to help them for acceptance of their loss as a reality. Major objective of grief counselling is to aid clients to find novel way to lead normal life.

Plethora of psychological studies have revealed that people who seek support through counselling in their experience of grief and loss has had a weighty effect on their capability to cope with successive problems in their lives.

To assist the bereaved with their grief process, counsellor may apply numerous techniques. Counsellors can create supportive environment by finding a quiet and private place to talk. They can begin their first encounter with the bereaved by asking him/her to tell about the death. They can discuss with bereaved about their relationship with the deceased.

In order to effectively manage grief, people must connect themselves to spiritual realm. Meditation is powerful method advised by counsellor to understand the nature of the mind. Maintaining diary for expressing emotion is also effective way to cope up with grief.

In concluding the significant elements of grief counselling, it is settled that the experience of grief is a widespread human experience that everyone has to face at some point in life cycle. Grief counsellors have pivotal role in coping up with grief, lessening the symptoms of negative emotions during this state and finally helping to lead normal life.

Important: This article is developed through environmental information, academic experience and/ or personal view of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement


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