Emotional branding: revolutionary initiative to enhance product marketing

In fast consumption-driven economy, companies engage their targeted consumers in unique ways to flourish in the market. The core success formula in fierce competitive environment is branding a product as it creates added value for the consumer as well as the company. Emotions play vital role in marketing. An emotion is a mental and physiological state related with range of feelings, thoughts, and internal or external behaviours. Emotion is a process, in which the perception of a set of stimuli, allows a mental assessment that enables consumers to label and recognise a particular emotional state. Emotional branding concentrate the significance of emotional link between the firms and the consumer affected by the system of the characteristic values and needs of modern consumers, which develops a new symbol consumption culture.

Emotional branding is a modern phrase in marketing communication that denotes to the process of enhancing brands and companies that attract directly to the consumers’ emotional states, needs, desires, beliefs and ambitions. The key purpose of emotional branding is to enable people to form emotional acquaintances with brands in a subconscious way. Emotional marketing is fruitful when it prompts an emotional response in the customer, that is, a strong and lasting desire for the promoted product. Emotional brands have immense emotional impact on the clienteles. It is assumed that emotions play vital role in communicating information about products and services.

The benefit for emotional branding is that people have a propensity to respond fervently to different life experiences and place emotional value on adjoining objects. Brand can assist in managing risks by creating standing of a trusted company. If a company is in trouble period, it has a greater chance to survive in a market as compared to firms without a reliable brand. Furthermore, brand accelerates growth and generates revenue. Dominant and popular brand attracts new consumers. Lastly, banding helps to maintain long-term sustainability because it creates a strong emotional relationship with customers.  

In simple terms, emotional branding seems to identify how the process of generating a brand links with people’s sentiments.
When analysing the case of a brand Adidas. The features and traits of its running shoes would be the shapes, styles, and colours. Main benefits of shoes of this brand is the grip and power of the shoes, while the emotional advantages that appeal customers are the feelings of energy and power evoked to continue running. The tagline for the brand is ‘Impossible is nothing’, stirring up the feeling of empowerment.

In Case of glorious company Apple inc. , its core capability remains delivering excellent customer experience through outstanding user interfaces. Product strategy of Apple inc. is based around this, with the iPhone, Mac, iCloud, iTunes, and the Apps Store all playing major roles. The distinguishing feature of each of Apple Pay and Apple Watch remains the customer experience of a graceful user interface and easy to use. Branding strategy mainly stresses on the sentiments of consumers. The Apple brand personality is about lifestyle, imagination, liberty regained, innovation, passion, hopes, dreams and aspirations, and power-to-the-people through technology.

To conclude, today’s market is based on exceptional marketing strategies to grab consumer attention. Emotional branding is espoused by emerging firms to monetize the customers and enjoy the success in business platform.


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