Truth behind last stage of life

Humans are highly curious about parapsychological phenomena as these connect them to exploring spiritual and supernatural realm. One such phenomenon is Near-Death-Experiences.  Experiences at last stage of life are extremely vivid and often life-transforming experiences. These feelings may happen under extreme physiological conditions such as trauma, ceasing of brain activity, deep general anaesthesia or cardiac arrest in which no consciousness or sensory experiences should be possible as per the theory of neuroscience.

In our galaxy, some people are vested with spiritual energy that make them different in community. These people may aware of strange happening that is beyond the thought processes of populace in general. When people entered into near death stage, they often elaborate to their surrounding people about deep experiences in which they believe they left their bodies and enter some other monarchy, surpassing the limits of ego and the ordinary confines of time and space. They often have individual impressions of being outer their physical body, perceive dead relatives and report deep spiritual and paranormal experiences that generally produce persistent changes in behaviour, attitudes and values.  Such experience of near death allure the mental-health professionals to explore the fact and find solid basis of experiencing such paranormal episodes.

Experience  of  last stage of life is general events that many people experience when they are experiencing intense threat, seriously ill or in their last stage of life. There are some features associated with near-death experience. These are feeling very relaxed and free of pain, a sensation of leaving the body. Many times people perceive the physical body while floating above it. The mind is functioning more clearly and more rapidly than us, a sense of overwhelming peace, well-being, or absolute, unconditional love and encounters with deceased loved ones.

In closing the strands, it is established that expressions of last stage of life arises with a sensation of departure from the human body, followed by a voyage through a dark passage towards a place of light. There is a feeling of calmness and intense well-being which is sometimes pleasant that some people are unwilling to return to their bodies.


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