Street crime around the globe and defensive tactics

World people are vulnerable to high rate of street crime which has devastated their life. Street crime happens on the streets and highways. Currently the graph of street crime such as chain snatching, homicide, assault, rape, robbery, and stealing is in increment trend especially in developing countries. Street crimes are normally committed by an estranged and selfdestructive group of people. The headlines of newspapers are replete with reported incidents of street robberies, carjacking, sexual assault and missing children.

Street crime is intentional act and make a plan to affect people damagingly. Generally, street crime is more intense in nature as compared to other crimes like white collar crime. Street crime crooks come from a lower socio-economic status and are less educated. In some cases, street crime is an intentional fierce offense and have dangerous outcome such as a traumatic death of innocent victims. The offender of street crime often targets the right victim who is susceptible and weak.

On street, criminals may harm people in varying intensity. The danger can be physical, emotional, mental, and financial. Often these violent acts can be life threatening and may end with serious injury or even loss of victim’s life. Around the globe, street crimes are showing their violent face. Despite the fact that rates of property and other violent crime, street crimes are comparatively low across United Sates but the effect of street crime is still problematic in numerous cities across nation.  In Buffalo, New York, situation of street crime is worrying because city is suffering from economic decline, population loss, and high rate of poverty. It is evident that several street crimes are not reported to official law enforcement agencies. For example crimes involving drug activity. In Indian capital, Delhi, street crimes are on surge and increasing day by day. Cases reported regularly for people being robbed, mugged or snatching of their belongings. Police authorities are unable to control such streaming crime. Especially, crime against women are on the top and these figures are direct threat to society.

These crimes can be prevented through installing CCTV in social settings. Electronic monitoring will generate fear among offenders.
It is really important to develop self-defence against such crimes while going out. Elderly people, children, students and girls are more vulnerable to street crime.  Street crimes must be tackled in intelligent manner.

First of all, when you migrate to unknown places for tourism or job, you must explore all geographical information through Google or city website. In every city, there are some sensitive areas where crime rates are high. Such as in Raisen road of Bhopal is more susceptible place for street crimes. It is experience of few people. As you plan to go to other cities, you start gathering information through listening news or reading newspaper. It will help you to know surface layer of new city. Importantly, you must not look like a tourist as they are soft target for street criminals. In tourist places, it is better to avoid dressing too showy, and if possible, adopt the local style of dress so you will look like locals.

Though crime can happen anywhere and in various form, our alertness can only prevent us of being victim to such cruel offenders. In simple statement, we must familiarize with usual travel routes.
It is highly important that limit your belongings while going out as when we have valuables, we become very alert and crooks are smart to sense the gestures of people while travelling in train, bus or walking on street. Only carry necessary items and keep in safety layers. .
For girls, it is recommended to keep pepper spray and use when being assaulted by offenders.

We must be alert at red light, stop sign, and gas stations as many street gentle person approach us for help and then they commit crime until we become aware. One such case happen with girl who was on the way to office. She was waiting for bus at stop. One lady came and asked for some financial help to contact her family. But girl intelligently replied the female and told her to contact nearby shop for help or go to police station. After few seconds that lady went away from the place.

While walking on road, some crooks apply tactics that “I am an IT engineer or executive and lost purse. Can u help me with some money to recharge my mobile??” These may be genuine sometimes but we must have to be cautious and divert them to nearby police authority.
While travelling by own vehicle, we must always look under and inside vehicle before we get too close to it.

It is suggested to learn defensive technique when somebody attack in car or on two wheeler such as karate. At least alertness can prevent crime.
As it is already stated by police and experts that we should never accept a ride from a stranger. We must be careful of people who approach asking directions. Keep a polite but safe distance. While using pedestrian, walk with confidence and scan environment cautiously. This will weaken the activity of crooks.
It is recommended that we must avoid high-crime areas and travelling at night. It is psychological thought that many people have internal alarm that alert them that they are walking on danger zone. It may be false sense of security. But logically analyse the situation, person instantly to get victimized. Sometimes eyes, ears, nose, skin give us clue that something is threatening in environment. Our sixth sense is indicator of danger. Live with alertness and keep on paying attention to people around us.

In case person senses that they are being followed, change directions or cross the street. If that suspicious one still there, run to the nearest place where there are more people.

While using elevators, observe elevator interior before entering. Wait until the next elevator if you are unclear of any occupant. Females riding the elevator alone should always stand near the control panel. If approached, press ALL buttons. If a suspicious person enters the elevator, exit before the door closes. Before exiting from the elevator, observe the corridor for distrustful activity.

It is advocated that though police authority backs us but we have to take charge of our own safety to avoid becoming a victim. If we actively think and take actions toward crime prevention and self-defence, it will lower the chances of happening the street crime.

To close this important discussion, it is highlighted that street crimes are widespread in cities and urban locale. Its negative impact is felt across the social order. We regularly hear the news that someone has been victimized by street offenders and it worries us. With the mounting nature of street crime, it is imperative to know the defensive tactics along with knowing the lawsuit for criminal act. 


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