Increasing rate of juvenile crime

Juvenile crimes are rising at alarming rate in present complex global environment. Large number of adolescents and youths are involved in delinquent activities like theft, shop lifting, vandalism, and drug trafficking and alcohol abuse. Juvenile delinquency is the action of committing a wrongdoing at a very young age.

Teens of broken families jump into criminal world and become violent. Another leading cause of juvenile crime is lack of finances. Teens walk into wrong path to enhance their financial status. Lacks of social and moral training to teens also lead them to juvenile crime. Several individual factors and characteristics has been related with juvenile felony. These individual factors include age, gender, complications during pregnancy and delivery, impulsivity, violence, and substance use. Children's and adolescents' interactions with family and peers greatly impact the development of antisocial behaviour. Family interactions are vital factor during early childhood and it can have long-lasting effects.

Delinquency is also linked with low school performance, absence, and school dropout at a young age. Poor parenting practices are major risk factors for this wrongdoing. Parenting practices that are responsible for juvenile crime are negligence or the absence of supervision throughout childhood and adolescence, the presence of explicit conflict or abuse, discipline that is unpredictable or inappropriate to the behaviour and a lack of emotional support from family.

The problem of juvenile delinquency is getting worse in present situation and crime prevention programmes are not armed to handle the present realities or there are less effective strategies to deal with such crimes.

But many intellectuals, counsellors and law makers stressed that the most effective preventive techniques to curb Juvenile crime is to provide good education, recreation, community development, conducting special program, giving training for parent child interaction, and bullying  prevention program.

To bind up, the graph of Juvenile crimes are in mounting. These crimes are serious, which is intense threat to human society. The legal professionals and authorities must formulate and implement policies to curb these criminal activities.  


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