Overcoming Exam result worries for GATE examination

These days, competitive examinations are strong headway to get good colleges or highly respected jobs. Therefore candidates or students devote themselves fully to prepare for various competitive examinations in anticipation to shape their superb future.

Every student wants good academic career and obtain high score in competitive examination. Meanwhile, all parents are also conscious about their child’s performance in competitive examinations because marks can assess their child’s position in society. No matter how intelligent the child and well versed in studies, low scores in competitive examinations depresses the parents. Subsequently, post-exam anxiety, and waiting for results put the candidates in worrying situation. Such stressful period and tensed mind is highly dangerous for the physical and mental wellbeing of candidates.

Though, students fully comprehend that their life is valuable and they have calibre to do better and exploit the opportunities as they arise. But in reality, they are scared about exam results and sometimes it may be so intense that some unpleasant incidents occur in surroundings.  Counsellors, elders and teachers always console the candidates but some more motivation is needed to lessen the impact of exam result worry.

In case, child is unnecessary worried about the results of competitive examination, parents need to remain calm as the exams are over and their child did its best. They must not pinpoint every time how their child did, whether answered all questions or not. These queries heighten the level of stress, anxiety and sometime upset the child which is very dangerous. It is well comprehended that parents have more expectations about their child if he/she has done good preparation and has excellent academic record. Here problem is that competitive exams and academic assessment of skills are of different nature. Candidate who is excellent is studies may be mediocre in competitive examinations. Therefore over expectations are discouraging. Choosing a right path of career is difficult job and it should be intelligently assessed. Just selecting one stream for career may not be suitable for candidate. If performance in competitive examination is not satisfying, it is necessary to thoroughly appraise the different aspects of personality traits and academic performances while entering to career path. It is highly recommended that parents must not think about social status or worry about comments of surrounding people if performance of their child is low. There is need to accept and face the situations as they come and explore the best for their child. Another dangerous worm is comparing the child with peer group or child’s earlier performance in academics. It will have negative impact on child.

Parent must be aware that children are undergoing extreme stress while waiting for results. They may show the symptoms of stress followed by severe headache or stomach pain, lack of sleep, irritability, and loss of appetite, do not enjoy the activities and feel desperateness. In such case, parents are best healer and they can make comfortable to their child through affection and boost confidence of child as exams are not final point of life. Otherwise, results may be unbearable.

After finishing exams and coming out from examination hall, students are advised to avoid what they have done in exams. Though everybody will ask how was the exam, how many questions attempted? But students need to be calm and test their emotions at this stage. They must think about future instead of indulging in post exam discussion. On ground realty, if they start assessing about questions attempted and right or wrong answers, it will cause unnecessary worry because sometimes, students come to know that he/she did wrong but actually it was right. Therefore avoid worry and try to do light conversation with parents or dining out to relax. If students are really tensed and cannot avoid stress, there are many online sources where they can reveal their feelings and make themselves comfortable. It is for guidance that exams are mere superficial assessment and draw a line that candidate meet some standard set by institutes or companies. These are not an exact measurement for inner talent as numerous situational variables interfere in appearing in exams. It is sincere suggestion to all students that never allow to dominate negativity in your thinking. Human life has some meaning and we all have to make efforts to do some passionate task in our life which thrills us.

It is generally observed that one day before the announcement of results, students get nervous. At this time, students must stay aloof from social media and be with their parents and siblings. Engaging to interesting task is the best relaxation technique to overcome high stress level. When scores are not according to plan, it is not a time for panic. For competitive examinations, they get many chances to secure good score. And if after repeated attempts they did not secure, then be calm as some other marvellous opportunities may be waiting for them. Try to explore from web of studies or employment. Definitely it will light up.

It is a humble request to all candidates that never think any extreme negation. The world needs their talent and there will be imbalance in nature if talent of candidates is in threat. Every candidate is superb in some respect.  


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