Spiritual and mental significance of Yoga chakra

Yoga is a set of principles, beliefs and practices for yoking matter to spirit, body to mind, personal to universe and mortal to immortal. Chakra system is the architecture of yoke providing a comprehensive map to the way the mortal and divine yoke together. This system describes the architecture of the body through the subtle energy centres shining out from our core.

Chakras are energy centres by which the galactic energy flows into the human body. There are basically eight principal Chakras and each is related with certain aspects of human existence. These are
-       Muladhara Chakra - Root Centre
-       Svadhishthana Chakra - Lower Abdominal Centre
-       Manipura Chakra - Navel Centre
-       Anahata Chakra - Heart Centre
-       Vishuddhi Chakra - Throat Centre
-       Agya Chakra - Eyebrow Centre
-       Bindu Chakra - Moon Centre
-       Sahasrara Chakra - Crown Centre

Chakra yoga is the exercise of using yoga postures and controlled breath, known as pranayama, to purify, balance, and open the chakras, or energy centres of the body. Postures related with hatha yoga are often espoused in chakra yoga because they are designed to keep the body aligned, namely, the spine which is the main path for the flow of chakra energy. Yoga poses are effective way to clean and balance the chakra system. It helps to bring new life (via oxygen) and balance to the chakras in yoga. Practicing chakra yoga also introduces components of meditation, which helps to refine the mind while balancing and opening the chakras.

There are many different methods of meditation. Yoga presents a vivid and sound meditational procedure for attainment of super-consciousness through the awakening of kundalini, one's spiritual energy. In visual imagery, kundalini is depicted as a serpent resting in three and a half coils at the base of the spine. Awakening of kundalini can take place through gradual activation of the seven energy centres or chakras. These chakras are visualised as whirling wheels of energy rotating clockwise on their axis in sushumna.

Some Chakra Yoga techniques include less motion and more mind focusing work. In most cases, equal attention gets spent on both the mind and body, largely because the main objective of this specific yoga perspective directly targets connecting the two most vital parts of each human being.

Chakra Yoga comprises of postures that work to balance physical parts within the body while meditatively and physically renewing organs, cells and other anatomical building blocks. Main objective of Chakra is to reduce stress and increase in energy through properly relaxing the entire body and sensitivity levels. Chakra Yoga unites proper breathing techniques to increase mental and bodily energy.

In spiritual area, chakra therapy has great contribution in terms of improving concentration, sharpening memory, decreasing the chances of negative thinking, developing clarity of mind and person can realize  that his/her life have some purpose in the world. In broad sense, Chakra therapy is a calm approach, works well with body and energy field of person, maintains balance and co-ordination of the entire body. Through chakra, person can improve physical, emotional, mental well-being as well as feel more energetic.


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