Alleviate exam phobia

Student life is full of thrills and challenges. Majority of students are concerned about their performance in their academic sessions to shape their bright future. In doing so, they undergo physical strain and several psychological issues like stress, anxiety, nervousness. Many of them cannot cope up with stress and they develop severe mental ailment such as exam phobia. It is a known fact that students of higher secondary and senior secondary are afraid of final examinations as they have to give their best and if they do not have thorough preparation, they get scared.

Psychologists specified that the phobia is irrational fear or anxiety disorder, which results evasion and fright. Exam phobia is kind of mental ailment in which students experience huge tension and anxiety. In general term, Examination phobia denotes to the unnecessary worry about forthcoming exams. Many factors like lifestyle issues, negative thinking, self-depreciation, poor studying styles, fear of being evaluated, and anxiety about the consequences trigger exam phobia. Numerous psychological reports exposed that approximately fifty percent of students suffer from examination phobia. It does not have any relation to their intelligence. As examination dates are near, students get anxious about preparation of syllabus, theories or concepts. It is observed that some bright students may grip in phobia and do not show their knack in examinations. As a result, teachers and parents misjudge them underperformer.

There are deep seat grounds for developing exam phobia and also effective remedies to overcome it because this state is temporary and pupils can smartly deal with such unpleasant state. Students must understand that examinations are assessing tool of student’s educational performance of curriculum and knowledge of subjects. Examinations determine strength and weaknesses of students.

Psychologists have several causes for developing exam phobia among students. Students become enormously worried when exams arrive and try to prepare study plans to perform better and obtain high score.  Students are frightened of exams because they know they have not prepared subjects well to secure good score in examination. Students are gripped in irrational fear when they underestimate themselves for their preparation and develop lower confidence, high expectation of parents, tough competition among students, and great fear of denial. Such causes of phobia are baseless and aversion to exams.

While experiencing exam phobia, students may show symptoms of highly stressed with subject preparations and worried about results, feel nightmares, get arrogant and do not concentrate on theories or concepts, loss of appetite, increase in heart rate, dry throat. Sometimes students have breathing difficulty, sweating, trembling. They may feel abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and sometimes diarrhoea. They pass frequent urination.

Now the question is whether exam phobia is ranked in mental syndrome or it is temporary phase of mental ailment. It is well accepted that exam phobia is prevalent in all culture and around the globe. But is not listed in mental disorders. Therefore psychologists, teachers and parents must comprehend the roots of these mental compliant and assist students to come up and give their best in exams in natural way in order to develop healthy personality.

Core mantras:

-       Parental role in eradicating exam phobia of their child: Parents need to understand the personality traits of their child and let it develop absolutely before high expectation in examination. It is quite understandable that competition is tough for survival. Therefore, parents give guidance to their child to study more, secure good marks to get good job. But constant compelling for studies or discomfit him may worsen the situation. 

-      It is not good to impose their anticipations and displeased dreams on their children unless child accept it gladly. It will be great if parents appraise their child from educational traits developed.  Most importantly, parents must give freedom to study and assist child to resolve their academic problem in own way. Meanwhile full guidance must be given if child deviates from studies or develop poor educational habits

-      Role of teacher is significant in eradicating exam phobia. It can be done through better understanding of children’s mind. During examinations, a student's mental state is very delicate and they should avoid embarrassing students in peer group if test performance is not good earlier. If children experience any humiliating situation, it will trigger exam phobia. Teachers need to conduct appropriate counselling sessions to overcome such stress or anxiety in students.

-      In normal course, exam phobia experienced by students is due to lack of academic preparation. Therefore, parents and teachers must educate properly and guide students to apply some effective tactics for exam preparations. It depends on the stream of students. If students are preparing science subject, they may make tag for concepts and prepare short notes and revise several times. There are array of such tactics. Students must contact counsellors or subject matter experts. Good time management and effective study plan is a booster to cover their syllabus and they may get rid of phobia. It may also augment confidence level.

-      From student’s angle, it is imperative that students must have proper sleep, nourished food and short breaks during study to obtain high score in examination. They must convince their parents that they have seriously made a study plan and doing their best. They must not worried if their parents pressurize them to concentrate more on studies or score good marks because it is parent’s fear that is revealed in such sentences: “score good, others are performing better or don’t take lightly”. It is important to sincerely involve in studies and kick out the negative feeling of low score or failure. You may be good counsellor for parents and always have positive outlook for them. Because they are also in same situation and parents always think for the benefit and bright future of their child.

To beat exam phobia, students may develop habit of Mnemonics, the techniques of memorization. They can make chart, rhymes or phrase to memorize lessons. Other effectual way to overcome phobia is practice relaxation techniques such as take deep slow breath and relax muscles. It will increase concentration.

It can be said that negativity never pays. It can worsen the life. For best results in exam, consult teachers, professionals or seniors regarding study techniques instead of developing dreadful mental virus like anxiety, stress, and depressions.

In present situation, various counselling program are conducted by educational institutes to guide students to deal with anxiety and stress related with preparation for examinations. Students also may choose email counselling to resolve their hidden educational issues. Counsellors give full guidance to students to tackle stress and increase concentration in cracking questions in examination.

In closing the natural facts and remedies of exam phobia, it is said that exam phobia, an invisible element is engrained in students psyche during examination. Such unwanted outlooks may hugely impact on scores in academic career. Though teachers and parents role is great in lessening such fear but students need to develop positive attitude for examination and never lose their confidence while studying the syllabus. Everyone cannot be leader but all can get success in their academic life and make their bright future. Examination period is tough phase in the life of students and they can better understand. Therefore teachers and parents must listen to them carefully and resolve their issues if any.  

Important: This article is based on  knowledge and personal views of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


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