Rugby: A thrilling sport

Rugby is well known sport in many countries of the world. In each rugby game, there are two teams, each consisting of fifteen players. The team is split into two groups known as forwards and backs. There are 8 forwards such as Hooker, Prop, Second Row, Flanker and Number Eight and 7 backs like Scrum Half, Fly Half, Inside Centre, Outside Centre, Wingers and a Full Back.

Each team can carry, pass or kick the ball to the end zone to score as many points as possible. One referee is there to control the match with the assistance of two touch judges. There are no time outs, except at the referee's discretion where he can allow one minute for an injured player to decide whether or not to continue to play. The team who score the greater number of points is the winner of the match.

Each team is only permitted seven replacements per game. Six of the replacements are at the team’s decision and a seventh for injury.  Once a player is replaced, he can not re-join the game.
The game starts with a kickoff which is taken from the centre of the field. The team with the ball put its all effort to score once the ball is in play. A try is awarded when a player touches the ball to the ground in the opponent's in-goal. The team is given five points. After a try is scored, the team is given the opportunity to score a goal by kicking the ball over the opponent’s cross-bar and in between the goal posts, scoring an additional two points. The ball must be kicked from a line perpendicular to where the ball was touched down. If the rival team commits a penalty at any time, the offended team can attempt a penalty kick for three points, either at the goal or a drop kick at the goal from anywhere in the field of play.

During the game, players move onward towards their goal, however the ball can not be passed forward. The participant must pass the ball backwards to his teammates while moving forward. Forward progress of the player carrying the ball may be obstructed by tacking that player. Once a player is undertaken, he must instantly pass or release the ball and move away from it.

Rugby is not only a recreational sport but it is marvellous sporting activity to improve one’s physical fitness, as well as other physical skills. It can also enhance confidence which is very important for overall personality development. If this game is regularly played, it increases bone density because exercise imposes stress on the bones, thus stimulating the deposition of calcium along the line of stress. The main part of rugby game is power, pace, breath-taking skills and crunching collisions.


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