Whether Reverse discrimination is justified

Reverse discrimination is a process of acumen against members of a principal or majority group in favour of members of a minority or underprivileged group. Groups can be categorized according to race, gender, ethnicity, or other factors like caste. This discrimination may seek to amend social disparities under which some groups have had less access to freedoms as enjoyed by the other groups.

The tag reverse discrimination also use to emphasize the discrimination in-built in affirmative action programs. Reverse discrimination can be explicated as the imbalanced treatment of members of the majority groups resulting from favoured policies, as in college admissions or occupation, anticipated to remedy earlier discrimination against subgroups.

It is observed that reverse discrimination happen when people exhibit preferential treatment to those in stereotype groups. It is frequently observed in colleges, companies in which administration use diverse standard for admitting or hiring people from historically dominant group. 

It is widely recognized that reverse discrimination cases involve programs intended to promote minorities and address dissimilarity, such as affirmative action. Reverse discrimination emerged with solid reasons. Anti-discrimination laws were devised and sanctioned to avert discrimination against subgroups and groups that were traditionally deprived and shorn of opportunities in the workspace. It is a general perception today that majority groups are not shielded by the same laws. Consequently, "reverse discrimination" instigated to define such cases where members of a majority group are demanding that they were discriminated against in favour of minorities.

Many people have opinion that reverse discrimination is not justified. It is a contentious notion among intellectuals, social psychologists and scholars. It is rampant in work cultures, college admissions. Numerous affirmative action supporters criticized various aspects of reverse discrimination. Several writers squabble that reverse discrimination is a part of progressive social policies. 

In epitome, it can be wrapped that reverse discrimination is socially constructed concept permeated with erroneous proclamation and conservative ideologies. Affirmative action is generally equated with quotas and preferences. Reverse discrimination rails against hiring and promotion quotas that are part of legal consent decrees or various kind of preferences or set asides for minorities. 


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