Existence of Divine forces: Scarcely escaped

(A story based on true incident)

Humans are high order creature and most of them have Sense of menace. This dreaded incident reminds us that divine has existence in natural world and this super sacred power automatically emanates when innocent is trapped in web of treacherous human worms.

Sandra a sixteen year old girl was attending her professional course in north region of one Asian country. She was a student of third year in Science College. She used to go to college daily by bicycle. That area was slightly suburb but surrounded by many professional colleges such as Engineering, veterinary, Agriculture. There, weather used to be generally pleasant. Winters having biting cold, and in rainy season, heavy rain fall affect the life of inhabitants. Though Sandra was delicate girl with slim body but she was blessed with great will power. She was really enjoying in college to learn new theories and concepts to apply in her professional career. 

In normal course, one day in rainy season, she left for college in the morning. Due to heavy rains, professors and lecturers could not reach to college and administration declared holiday due to extreme weather conditions. Sandra was sincere that’s why she came to college to submit her assignment. That time, she was alone in college and planning how to return home. After one hour, she decided bravely to return home. 

She had started around 2 O’clock in the afternoon. Rain was in cruel form and Sandra was shivering while cycling and slowly her energy was reducing. As she was cycling against the storm, it was difficult for her to balance and move forward. Still she was applying all her energy to run cycle.


When she reached on midway of main road where right side was shopping mall and left side was hospital, she suddenly observed that two college boys came out from hospital and progressively approaching to main road where she was exactly. Due to adverse weather, Sandra could not speed up her cycle. At that time, in the area, no one was there. All the roads, main road, side lane or even high way were having no traffic. Not even a single vehicle was moving at that moment.


Sandra was immensely scared. She sensed some danger in her life. She was moving very slowly on the road. When she passed from junction of side road of hospital and main road on which she was cycling, those monstrous boys ran quickly towards her. She just prayed one word to God and induced all her emergency energy of body to run the bicycle. Boys were running very fast to catch the career of cycle but Sandra ran so speedily in adverse weather that those boys who considered themselves as physically “He –man” gave up. Sandra did not look back and constantly running fast to reach home. Finally, she defeated the felonious intention of boys and overpowered risky situation. Her momentum was so high in heavy rains that she fell ten feet away on floor after hitting her cycle on the entrance stairs of her home. She breathe long and relaxed as she was scarcely escaped from horrific spasm. 

It was heart-breaking incident of her life. When she remembers this incident even now shivers to think what could have happened if she would have trapped in the hands of those boys. It is the divine forces that pushed her and gave extraordinary energy to overthrow the ill intention of those so called notorious college boys. 

Sandra had experienced the real existence of divine power that showered power to their devotees when they stuck in precarious surrounding.

From this true incident, we all can learn that it is very important to closely scan our surrounding especially in bad mood of weather or in any situation such as in moving car, travelling through train or by Air. People should never lose their intellect in risky situation as everybody has emergency energy that come out when they feel threat besides protection from divine forces. It is psychologically proven too in plethora of studies.


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