Forced to believe in spiritual power

(Story based on a true incident)

It is story of teenage girl, Navvy when she was studying in college and stayed with her brother and family. She had to face numerous challenges of academic courses as well as adjustment with brother’s family. It is established that no one nurture well as parents do. Navvy always missed her parents and her studies also suffered as she had to do some house hold work also.

Somehow, she was trying her best to obtain high score in graduation. Navvy was very close to her niece, Kim and both had warm relations. They used to eat together, watch movies and also sleep together sometimes at night.

It was regular routine. Neeba (Navvy’s Brother’s wife) had many relatives who used to visit frequently and her study get disturbed with these movements but she had no option to escape.

One night when she was asleep, suddenly she heard some sound. It was her niece loud voice who was sleeping with her. Kim was arguing with her maternal uncle, Monty (Guest). Navvy was shocked how he entered to her room. Navvy was scared and asked Kim what is happening. Her niece told her that uncle was touching her body and she woke up. Instantly, Monty spoke that he was searching water to drink that’s why he came in this room. Kim shouted water is there on dining table, why you came in this room. Monty said ok, I will take the water and go to sleep.

Navvy was still shivering as normally she sleeps alone in the room. She was dreaded and didn’t sleep well whole night. Next day, Neeba was slightly angry with the Monty as he burnt the mattresses and blanket with cigarette. Navvy was shocked.

But here it proves that navvy sensed the existence of holy power, God shielded her from evil because she moves on the path of truth and never hurts people and always kept herself away from selfish motives.

When Kim’s uncle left home, Navvy told the whole incident of last night to Neeba. Again she was terrified when she got reply from Neeba regarding appalling incident. Neeba instructed her not to share this incident with Navvy’s brother or anyone else otherwise he will not allow that Monty to come in.
As a female, these were the horrifying words of Neeba which clearly indicated that she was acting like wicked entity and had some selfish motive.

Navvy had experienced immense shock and it affected her studies also. She took decision that she will not discuss with her brother as she did not want to break her brother’s family. She thought that her stay is for short period and if she shares this incident, there may be chances of family dispute.

Now Navvy is flourishing in her profession and living lavishly but retaining moral values. But this horrific incident left strong mark on her life.

It is a hard truth that females still keep mum when they undergo with any kind of domestic violence. Even, they do not get family support. In technically driven society with modern approach towards life, it is an astonishing fact. It is an appeal to all noble people that they must go beyond their selfish outlook and at least hear female’s disheartening sound so that women can be escaped from horrendous incidents. As God is everywhere but human efforts are also needed to make gallant society. 

Important: This story is an expression of writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement


  1. Who were you Nani it was awesome 😁🙏🏻😍

  2. Great story Nani, I Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooved it


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