Grooming a child for competitive examination

These days, parents are more concerned about their kid’s education and especially when he is appearing in any competitive examination, they are stressed. In order to get success, they take advice from many professionals, counsellors and various other sources.

But it is important for parents to know the precise way to groom their child and help them to grasp knowledge and ability to secure high score in competitive examination.

Some of the effective tips are mentioned below:

-      If child is preparing for competitive Entrance Exams, it is possible that unintentionally, the school curriculum is ignored. It is good approach to limit their time. Parents must give specific time every day to complete homework and prepare for school syllabus. It can be smoothly done to make balance between the school tests and the competitive exams.

-      Parents can fix specific time for their child to visit Facebook and WhatsApp or any other social media to gain knowledge. But while studying, it is important to switch off the gadgets. It is helpful to allow recreation time to get relaxed and concentrate more on school studies and competitive examination. It will give a break to child and he/she will make more efforts to get good marks in examinations.  

-      Act as a support system for child. Parents must share task of tracing all entrance exam declarations and the related applications submission. Parents must have to take responsibilities to gain information about exam timelines, test patterns, college ranking and they must do research to get instant information. It is a wise step to plan in advance for child's future. They must give all possible facilities to child to utilise his/her valuable time and energy to crack the exam.

-      It is observed in today’s educational culture that majority of students attend coaching classes for school curriculum. But it is important for child to regularly attend school to grasp basic concepts. Parents can guide their child to clarify doubts and questions, get smart guidelines to crack intricate questions, learn ways to overcome specific weaknesses, take mock tests in coaching classes.

-      Parents always control their emotion and maintain good mental balance when child is preparing for competitive examinations. Sometimes, competition is tough and parents become more anxious and upset for child. But this will not help them to groom well their child. It is time to relax and make some strategies to cope up with intricate situation.

-      While grooming child, it is most important to hear the child’s voice. It is observed that some parents try to compel their child to choose professional career path which may be their dream goal. Here they do blunder. Today array of career options are available and these are growing fields. Parents must listen child’s words and then decide whether it is good for him or not. If child deviates from goal or he is not capable of doing well in particular area to which he/she is inclined then it is the duty of parents to sit with him and politely give reasons to abort that specific career. This strategy will impact on child’s mind and he/she will think that their voice is heard. Always give them room to develop prowess and allow them to think about their career and then jointly take decision. It will help child to know his value in family and he will also listen parent’s advice.  

Sometimes, child in interested to become finance professional instead of being doctor or engineer.  It is just to comprehend his abilities so that child can touch the zenith of success in career.

-      Another important point to be noted that when parents are more conscious about their child’s performance in competitive examination, they excessively get involved and begin to have a check on their child. It is necessary to keep track on child’s activities but commenting on every activity will make child mentally upset.  It is advised to just track whether he is following time table on or not. If he/she deviates more from schedule then parents have to intervene. Children must need some personal space to develop their capabilities and equip for competitive examinations.

In final words, parents are best guide of children. They can help kids to prepare for top Competitive Entrance Exams. Competitive exams are really tough and it is imperative to make plan intelligently a bit early to win the exam race.  But it is caution to parents that child’s mind is innocent therefore it is not advisable to compel anything. You, as a parent can only read your kid’s mind. After all, everything is done for his/her bright future. Only positive attitude, wise approach of parents in grooming a child for examination can lead to success.


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