How honey is beneficial for human health

Honey has amazing quality of healing many wounds. It is known to people since ancient times. This superbly rich golden liquid is the marvelous product of honey bees and a naturally delicious alternative to white sugar. Honey is a delicious sticky sweetener made naturally by bees for their own food.

The absorbing process of making honey activates when the bees feast on flowers, collecting the flower nectar in their mouths. This nectar then mixes with special enzymes in the bees' saliva, a process that turns it into honey. The bees carry the honey back to the hive, where they deposit it into the cells of the hive's walls. The beating of their wings provides the necessary ventilation to reduce the honey's moisture content that enable it for intake.

Honey is available in market in different colors such as white, amber, red, and brown and almost black. Its flavor and texture differ with the type of flower nectar from which it was made. Commonly available honeys are made from clover, alfalfa, heather and acacia flowers. Honey can be made from a different flowers such as thyme and lavender. Although it is available all through the year, it is an excellent treat in the summer and fall when it has just been reaped and is at its freshest. Normally, the color of honey is golden, but it can range from almost white to dark red to almost black.

Honey is known to humans since ancient times. Besides, its yummy taste, honey has several health and nutrition benefits. Earlier, people have used honey as a food and medicine. A mixture of honey and goat's milk is very effective for healing bronchial infections. Honey also contains several anti-oxidants that is helpful for treating many diseases.  

Honey is a natural source of carbohydrates which provide strength and energy to human bodies. If person experiences fatigue, then honey can help to reduce this tiredness. Honey is recognized for its usefulness in promptly boosting the performance, strength and decrease muscle fatigue of sportspersons. The glucose in honey is absorbed by the body quickly and gives an immediate energy.

Another health benefit of honey is that It keeps level of blood sugar fairly constant compared to other types of sugar. Therefore patients suffering from blood sugar can include honey in their diet. Principally honey has been used to boost energy, but mushrooming research studies revealed that the use of honey is an ergogenic aid (a food or ingredient that helps an athlete's performance) and wound healing substance.

Honey can enhance human health in incalculable ways. Honey has typical ability to soothe sore throats and destroy the bacteria that causes the infection. Honey has strong antibacterial properties and provides momentary pain relief. Honey also has property to relieve mild coughing and is a great immune-system supporter. Honey has a natural antiseptic property. It impedes the growth of bacteria and therefore helps keep wounds clean and free from infection. It is found in many medical reports that honey has been used as an antiseptic therapeutic agent to treat ulcers, burns and wounds since primordial period. Honey is also effective for cuts and burns as it reduces pain and swelling, and helps healing. Honey is one of the natural alternates and is not prepared out of any processing.

Ways to include honey in diet:

-Honey has been observed to mobilize the fats and help in burning them for release of energy. This energy is used for various physical activities. Person can have a table spoon of honey added to the same amount of warm water. It will help in proper food digestion as well decrease body weight.

- Honey can also be consumed along with warm water and lemon juice. Majority of the people drink this mixture early in the morning to help in lose fat.

-People can also consume honey by adding cinnamon powder in warm water. Procedure is to mix one tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of cinnamon powder and a cup of warm water properly and then consume it empty stomach. Although many people have experienced weight loss with regular consumption of this mixture, but it has not clear that it may have positive effect.

Honey is good for skin:

Another striking quality of honey is that it helps in maintaining skin.  Raw honey is very good for human skin because of its antibacterial properties and hefty serving of skin-saving antioxidants.

Honey helps in Acne: Honey is naturally antibacterial therefore it lessen acne problem suffering by many persons.

Aging: Honey has miraculous property to slowing down aging process.

Complexion boost: Honey also help in glowing the skin and moisturizing and soothing. Honey opens up pores making them easy to unclog. It can be easily done by applying raw honey as a mask. Raw honey can help unclog pores while simultaneously delivering moisture to parched skin. Apply a thin layer of raw honey to slightly damp skin using a circular motion. Leave the honey for at least 30 minutes and then gently rinse it off with warm water.

Honey can be used for facial. To perform this, combine 2 teaspoons of milk with 2 tablespoons of honey. Smooth solution over face and let it sit for 10 minutes before washing off. To apply honey as a body scrub, stir a couple pinches of ground nuts into a tablespoon of honey (adding a squirt of lemon juice). While the ground nuts exfoliate and the lemon juice brightens, the honey will moisturize for a smooth surface. Honey can serve as a best acne solution. Honey provides a moist healing atmosphere and prevents bacterial growth in deep wounds also. It is an effectual means of quickly rendering seriously infected wounds disinfected, without the side effects of antibiotics and also effective against antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria.

Raw honey is harmful

Though there are several benefits of consuming honey and it boosts health of humans but honey has some detrimental effects if it is used as raw. Some researchers observed that raw honey is best healer but there are considerable side effects, such as allergic reaction, intoxication and food poisoning. Raw honey is a possible source of botulism spores. This is because honey may be contaminated with germs from plants, bees, and dust during production, and also during collection and processing. 

Providentially, the germ-fighting characteristics of honey make sure that most contaminating organisms cannot survive. Nevertheless, bacteria that reproduce using spores, including the bacterium that causes botulism, may remain. Patients may show symptoms of stomach cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and fever. In adults, these symptoms are more painful than hazardous and if treatment is not given, it may be life-threatening. In kids, whose immune systems are still weak, botulism is very serious and they should be immediately attended to doctor. To resolve this problem, medical-grade honey such as Medihoney is irradiated to inactive the bacterial spore. It has property of germ fighting activity.

In brief, honey is sweet substance that is liked by most of the people. In medicinal point of view, honey is advised for cough, asthma, and hay fever. It is also used for diarrhea and stomach ulcers caused by infection with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria.


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