Effective remedy for warts in body

Warts are raised bumps on human skin. These are due to the human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts happen when the virus enter on the surface of skin and resultant catches infection. Warts are more expected to develop on wrecked skin, such as picked hangnails or areas nicked by shaving, because the virus can easily come in contact at the top layer of skin through scratches or cuts.

When should patient contact to doctor?

Person can contact doctor in following conditions:

If person has warts on face or another sensitive part of body (genitals, mouth, nostrils).

If person observed bleeding or signs of infection, such as pus or scabbing, around a wart.

If the wart is sore, then patients must contact dermatologist.

Person may contact doctor when the colour of the wart changes.

Person is suffering from warts and diabetes or an immune deficiency, such as HIV/AIDS, he must see the doctor.


Warts can be prevented through following techniques:

-      It is suggested to avoid direct contact with warts.

-      Do not pick at warts. Picking may spread the virus.

-      Do not use the same emery board, pumice stone or nail clipper on warts and cut nails.

-      It is advised not to bite fingernails. Warts occur more often in skin that has been broken. Chewing the skin around fingernails may invite virus.

-      People must take care of body. Maintain hygiene. Use a disposable emery board. Avoid brushing, clipping or shaving areas that have warts.

-      Wash hands carefully after touching warts or surfaces such as shared exercise equipment.


Doctors advise several treatment to remove warts. These are mentioned below:

-      Using over-the-counter or prescription medications to put on the wart.

-      Burning the wart off using a light electrical current.

-      Freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen. This technique is called cryosurgery.

-      Using laser treatment.

Home remedies for wart:

People having warts can try some home remedies. These are as follows:

-      People can apply freshly crushed garlic directly to the wart and cover with a bandage. The caustic effect of the garlic will cause the wart to blister and fall off in as little as one week.

-      Tape a piece of banana peel, inner side down, over the wart before going to bed. A chemical in the peel can slowly dissolve the wart.

-      Papaya is beneficial for removing warts. It contains an enzyme that digests dead tissue. Make shallow cuts on the surface of a green papaya, collect the sap that runs out and let it coagulate. Mix the thickened sap with water, then apply morning and night.

-      Another effective remedy is to rub a juicy, freshly cut slice of raw potato over a wart.

-      Crush a fresh basil leaf and tape it over wart with waterproof first-aid tape. The leaves contain virus-killing compounds. Replace with fresh basil daily for up to a week.

-      Castor oil can also be used to lessen wart. The oil can make warts disappear.

-      Vitamin E oil is also useful to remove warts.

-      Another effective procedure is to apply a cotton ball soaked in vinegar and tape it down on the wart with an elastic bandage for at least one or two hours daily.

In brief, warts are local growth of skin as a result of virus infection. There are some wart remedies available but when the situation is not under controlled it is advised to see a doctor.


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