Why online shopping is the first choice of youngsters

Everybody loves shopping. But in today’s busy routine, working professionals or even housewives cannot get time to physically visit shopping mall or market to do shopping. Due to technology development, there is a boom of online shopping. In the epoch of globalization electronic marketing is uprising greatly. Since last decade, majority of business organizations offer attractive polices for online products.

Online shopping is the use of technology that is, computer for better marketing performance. Merchants are developing viable tactics to fulfil the demand of online buyers. They conduct surveys and other means to comprehend psyche of consumer in the field of online shopping. Through reviews and market research, giant organizations like Amazon, Ebay come to know the consumer attitudes towards online shopping.

What is online shopping: In simple term, online shopping is a procedure of selling and buying of range of products and services on Internet. Market report revealed that one tenth of the world populace is interested in shopping online. Commonly, online shopping has many synonyms such as internet buying, electronic shopping, online purchasing or internet shopping.
Online shopping is a fashion among today’s consumer. Online shopping on areas like fashion and accessories, electronic/electrical goods and books are rising in different part of the world.

Factors influencing consumer to shop online:

Though, there are numerous factors that influence consumers to shop online, but investigators have selected four factors that trigger consumers to do online shopping.

1. Convenience: Consumer has easy accessibility to products and services while involve in online shopping. Therefore Convenience factor counts a lot in online shopping. If customer who stay in remotely from metropolitan city, has requirement for Engine oil, he/she can easily browse or search the information through online instead of the traditional retail shopping. Through online, consumers can easily search product catalogue and also evaluate prices from other vendors and reach to conclusion for better price. But if the shopper explore the same product a traditional store through visiting to showroom, it is time consuming, tiring and he has to spend money in transportation also.  Convenience has always been major factor for customers to shop online.

2. Time saving: In highly busy life, shopper wants products available without spending much time. As time in shopping is waste for some customers. They have to attend meetings, prepare projects. In online shopping, customers can wisely select the products through browsing and in one click they can put the same in buying basket. Rest is taken care by online companies. It saves lot o of time of consumer. People can save time and can lessen effort through shopping online.

3. Website design/features: Presently, numerous huge companies entered into online business. They attract shoppers through effective Website design and other features. These designs and online shopping activity is domineering which push customers to go for online shopping.   Factors of online shopping are Website design, website reliability/fulfilment, website customer service, and website security/privacy. Smart features influence the awareness of the customer of online purchasing. It can be said that customers get idea to purchase the products according to his/her requirement.

4. Security: Security is also leading factor which push consumers to do shop online. Nevertheless, some internet users evade online shopping because of many online fraud such as credit card fraud, privacy factors, non-delivery risk, and post purchase service.

Youngsters are more inclined towards online shopping as they are engaged in their official work, making career and more involved in fun activities. They prefer online buying as they get products on door without hassle and it is ready to use. Though sometimes, in online shopping, customers have to bear losses if they are not alert. It is advised that they must check the product when receive or make video when opening the packet to ensure that same product is received to what they ordered.

It has also been experienced by some customers in prime online company Amazon that there was delay in products. There is always an option to write review or claim money back. Customer must read polices before ordering the product. Another factor that allure youngsters to buy online is that they get exposed to new trends of products. Youth group is fond of using latest design goods. So they can promptly order such products online. Online companies regularly give some attractive offers to their esteemed customers. If shopper is regularly in touch with company, he may get product in very low price. It is in fact true because market survey indicated that some of the customer has already benefited with these offers.

In brief, in present scenario, online shopping has become the standard and shoppers are accepting the advantages of using such wonderful technology. From consumers’ viewpoint, online shopping offers low and transparent prices, comprehensive range of goods and services and convenient shopping that has removed the barriers of traditional shopping such as inconveniences of infolding through crowds, stuck in long queue at cashier counter, fighting for parking spaces at a shopping centres. 


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