Supernatural mental conversation

Humans and all living beings have sixth sense that enable them to comprehend hidden actions occur in nature or beyond it. These creatures involved in strong mental communication and sense something that is not experienced by others in physical world. Among all species, humans have great power of telepathy. 

In psychological studies, the existence of supernatural mental conversation is not proved but many persons experienced this celestial feeling. Supernatural mental conversation is elucidated as direct conveyance of thought from one person to another without using the usual sensory networks of communication. Therefore it is considered as a form of extrasensory perception (ESP). It is basically the feeling that two people share their views with each other without the involvement of the five senses.

Many examples surround us can be cited to substantiate the concept of supernatural mental conversation. In one such instance, a sister was very close to his brother as it was obvious that they were blood related. When her brother left for other city to meet his colleague, she was very restless as there were no mobile phone communication due to signal problem. Then she slept. At midnight, she heard the ring of bell at her door. She immediately felt that her brother reached the destination. Next day morning, when her brother called her, he told that he reached to his colleague’s home at mid night and rang bell. He had to wait for fifteen minutes as colleague was in deep sleep. If we analyse this mental conversation, we quickly appraise it as a telepathy.  But in scientific perspective, it is mere a coincidence.

It has been debated that supernatural mental conversation as an ability must surely exist in the cosmos if this world contains any incorporeal intelligences. The conceivable equivalence between the mysterious force binding worlds together and the indirect influence linking mind with mind is evident. 

Having supernatural mental conversation with someone does not mean that person has super power. It is just an emotional bonding that exhibit through mental connection and person become aware that his affectionate friend or family member is in some pleasurable or danger state.

It is well reputable in psychological researches that telepathic conversation frequently transpire when two people have deep love or affection such as among family members, close friends, marital partners. The strong bond is more emotional instead of physical.

In final note, supernatural mental conversation is not restricted to human sphere. Animals also have superb mental connection. They constantly converse through telepathy. Even it is also observed that animals also have supernatural mental conversation for humans. We as a living being are firmly intermingled and sense something that is beyond imagination. Though scientific investigations disregard these hypothesis and statement but sometimes we propelled to believe this super natural communication.  

Important: This article is an expression of writer on the basis of experience and available information. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement


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