Warning signs of Dehydration in hot summer

When heat waves blow,
human body needs excessive water. Sometimes people do not drink sufficient
water and they undergo with serious medical illness due to insufficiency of water in
body. It is termed as dehydration.
Dehydration is a condition where the water level in the body is extremely low. This can result in several minor and major effects within the
body and can be lethal.
Water is essential
for human body. The human body contains roughly 70% of water, and water is needed for
many of bodily processes. It makes up a large volume of the cytosol in human cells,
which is the fluid that supports the organelles. It is a large component of human
bodily fluids and tissues, including blood, sweat, and tears. It is also important
constituent in the digestion of food for nutrients, and is used to break down
food in a process known as catabolism. These processes indicate that humans
cannot survive without water.
Dehydration can be
mild, moderate or severe. It depends on how much of body weight is lost through
General causes of dehydration are as under:
Vigorous exercise,
hot weather and excessive sweating can cause dehydration.
Other causes include:
Vomiting or diarrhea
Urinating too much
Though anyone may
become dehydrated but young children, older adults and people with chronic
illnesses are more prone to dehydration.
Signs and symptoms of dehydration:
Major and early signs
of dehydration are thirst and dark-coloured urine.
Other symptoms are
as under:
1. Dizziness or light-headedness
2. Headache
3. Tiredness
4. Dry mouth, lips and eyes
5. Passing small amounts of urine infrequently (less than
three or four times a day).
Dehydration can lead to serious complications:
-Heat injury. If person
does not drink enough fluids when they do exercise vigorously and sweat
heavily, they may grip with a heat injury, ranging in severity from mild heat
cramps to heat exhaustion or potentially fatal heatstroke.
-Swelling of the
brain (cerebral edema). Sometimes, when person is getting fluids again after
being dehydrated, the body tries to pull too much water back into cells. This
can cause some cells to swell and rupture. The consequences are dangerous when
brain cells are affected.
Electrolytes such as potassium and sodium help carry electrical signals from
cell to cell. If person’s electrolytes are out of balance, the normal
electrical messages can become mixed up, which can lead to involuntary muscle
contractions and sometimes to a loss of consciousness.
-Low blood volume shock
(hypovolemic shock): This is lethal condition of dehydration. It happens when
low blood volume causes a drop in blood pressure and a drop in the amount of
oxygen in body.
-Kidney failure: This
deadly problem may occur when kidneys are not functioning well due to
dehydration and are unable to remove excess fluids and waste from blood.
-Coma and death: When the condition of dehydration is not
treated quickly and properly, it can be incurable.
Person must immediately
consult general practitioner symptoms continue despite drinking enough fluids.
In case of severe
dehydration, immediate medical attention is required. Patients promptly consult
doctor if they exhibit following symptoms:
-Feeling unusually
tired (lethargic) or confused, and you think you may be dehydrated
-Dizziness when you
stand up that doesn't go away after a few seconds
-Do not pass urine
for eight hours
-A weak pulse
-A rapid pulse
-Fits (seizures)
-A low level of consciousness.
It is important to be
knowledgeable for baby dehydration. A
baby show following symptoms when they severely dehydrated:
-A sunken soft spot
(fontanelle) on their head
-Few or no tears when
they cry
-A dry mouth
-Fewer wet nappies
-Dark yellow urine
Fast breathing
Cold and
blotchy-looking hands and feet
Treatment & Management:
To treat dehydration,
electrolytes (especially sodium and potassium) should also be replaced. There
are several flavoured drinks or oral rehydration solutions are available to
replace the electrolytes (salts) lost during vigorous exercise.
In case of severe
dehydration, hospital care is needed. In such cases, an intravenous solution
containing sodium chloride is usually given. Intravenous fluids are given quickly,
then more slowly as dehydration improves.
It is advised to
prevent deadly condition of dehydration through drinking plenty of water and
maintain hygiene to avoid cholera.
According to world
health organization, dehydration is widespread in developing countries where
about one billion people do not have access to clean water.
To encapsulate,
Dehydration is a deadly medical condition which should not be taken lightly. It
has been related with high mortality rates among hospitalized older adults and a frequent
cause of hospitalization of older adults.
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