Daydreamers: Gainer or looser

When we hear daydreaming, automatically it is sensed that day dreaming is a psychological state that needs attention. People rarely think that these emotional state can revolutionize their life.

Daydreaming is assays as a short-term dispassion from person's immediate environs, during which a person's contact with reality is distorted and partially switched by an unrealistic fantasy, especially one of happy, pleasant feelings, hopes or motivations. Freudian psychology deduced daydreaming as manifestation of the supressed instincts similarly to those revealing themselves in night-time dreams. Alike night-time dreams, daydreams also serve as a tool of wish-fulfilment based on childhood experiences and are allowed to surface because of relaxed suppression. It is indicated that contrary to night-time dreams, which are often perplexing and rambling, there seems to be a process of "secondary revision" in fantasies that makes them more coherent, like daydreaming. The state of daydreaming is a type of liminal state between waking, an ability to think sensibly and sleeping.

In student life, daydreaming is common activity. The pupils in classroom drift their eyes to window or doors and they are not in conscious state to listen teacher’s lessons. It indicates that the daydream begins. Though daydreaming is not encouraged by elders or professionals, but embryonic studies of psychology and neuroscience have shown that daydreaming augment mental processing, reasoning and learning.

Plethora of psychological reports have represented that pupil who involved in daydreaming have improved critical thinking capabilities which is essential trait in successful learners.

Daydreaming boosts the brain exercise where it can clandestinely explore viable solutions to numerous life and academic problems. Additionally, precious daydreaming moments allow individuals the mindful rest needed to perform problematic tasks or situations with an active mind. According to researchers, children who knit an imaginative story are happier at play as compared to those who do not involve in daydreaming.

Daydreaming is a major dais for rational processing, enhances the mind’s prowess to smoothly shift in the face of unexpected events and situations. So while daydreaming, individuals organize information and experience that have already learned, making the learned material more advantageous by refining their ability to apply it. It also enhances response time of persons to act in challenging situations.  

However, daydreaming can be infuriating at times. Although, many psychologists view daydreams as positive and natural, but it is not as healthy always. Famous psychologist, Sigmund Freud sensed that only frustrated individuals engrossed in fantasies and that daydreaming were early signs of mental ailment.

It is squabbled that daydreaming is playful, a waste of time. This exercise visualized as negative because it signifies non-doing in a society. Downside of daydreaming which makes person looser in life is that daydreams may distract people to deal with unpleasant matters. 

Investigative reports signified that Majority of maladaptive dreamers had experienced some trauma or abuse in their babyhood. This proved that people use maladaptive daydreaming as a defence mechanism to cope with the anxiety or stress, abuse in daily life. Maladaptive daydreaming may deteriorate human health. Worst impact of maladaptive daydreaming is that the fantasy is a mockery and it generates a false sense of optimism that is frayed away from the daydreamer every time they come back into reality. People cannot set constructive life goal and fall in ladder of success.

To recap facts, Daydreaming is a flow of thoughts that detach individual from surroundings. It is the gateway to creativity, problem-solving and even to the comprehension of human potential.  Psychologists opined that people devote their mental activity on daydreams. Daydreaming equip persons to realise their goals, and divulge deepest hopes, desires and qualms. On the contrary, there may be detrimental consequences if person excessively involved in daydreaming and totally distract from reality. Optimistic face of daydreaming is that it initiates pleasant thoughts to resolve intricate issues, spark creativity in the Workplace and heal mental turmoil of humans. Ultimately, on the dialog of daydreaming, it is clinched that daydreamers have some special power and they are gainer in this earth bed.

Important: This article is an expression of writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement


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