Serious concerns of tingling in human body

Health and disease
We as a human suffer from many physical or mental illness and overlook the mild symptoms such as tingling, itching. Here, we do mistake as any disease with low intensity can take form of dangerous disorder and if not attended timely, it can become fatal.

Among several critical diseases, tingling is also a warning signal that human body may have some serious disturbances.  In medical term, tingling is an abnormal sensations that can happen anywhere in human body, but often it is experienced in fingers, hands, feet, arms, or legs. Person experience tingling sensation in the body as pin pricks or feeling of needles and pins. Though this occurs on certain body parts but it can be felt in the whole body too.

When a person feels a tingling sensation in his body, it shows that there is reduced blood flow and compression of nerves. This sensation goes away if the person changes position or moves around. However, certain medical conditions result to persistent tingling all over the body and these cannot be comforted by changing the position or any type of movement.

In simple term, all people must comprehend that most of the medical conditions concerning tingling in the body emerge from the peripheral nervous system. Peripheral nervous system consists of groups of nerves that expand from the vertebrae going to the extremities.

Major causes of tingling sensation in body:

People experience tingling due to following reasons:

-      Sitting or standing in the same position for a long hours.

-      Wounding a nerve such as a neck injury may cause numbness anywhere in body. Low back injury can result in numbness or tingling down the back of leg.

-      Pressure on the nerves of the spine, such as from a herniated disk.

-      Pressure on peripheral nerves from enlarged blood vessels, tumours, scar tissue, or infection.

-      Shingles or herpes zoster infection.

-      Lack of blood supply to an area, such as from atherosclerosis, frostbite, or vessel inflammation (vasculitis).

-      Unusual levels of calcium, potassium, or sodium in body.

-      Severe deficiency of vitamin B12 or other vitamin

-      Intake of certain medications.

-      Nerve damage due to lead, alcohol, tobacco or chemotherapy drugs.

-      Radiation therapy

-      Animal bites such as Insect, tick, mite, and spider also causes tingling sensation in body.

-      Seafood toxins also lead to tingling sensation.

Tingling can be experienced in certain medical ailments such as:

-      Carpal tunnel syndrome (pressure on a nerve at the wrist)

-      Diabetes

-      Migraines

-      Multiple sclerosis

-      Seizures

-      Stroke

-      Transient ischemic attack (TIA), sometimes called a "mini-stroke"

-      Underactive thyroid

-      Raynaud's phenomenon (narrowing of the blood vessels, usually in the hands and feet)

Symptoms Associated with Tingling of Entire Body:

Tingling in the body is distinguished by pricking sensation or similar to pricked by tiny pins or needles. This condition can be accompanied by a numerous symptoms depending on the syndrome causing it.

Below are symptoms that patient may experience along with tingling sensation:

1.   Sudden vision blurring or loss
2.   Seizures
3.   Rashes
4.   Pain
5.   Numbness
6.   Muscle weakness
7.   Hematoma or bluish skin colour

When to Contact a Medical Professional:

Patients must visit practitioner in following conditions:

-      If person feels extreme weakness or are unable to move (paralysis), along with numbness or tingling.

-      Person must rush to hospital if tingling occur just after a head, neck, or back injury.

-      When person cannot control the movement of an arm or a leg or he/she have lost bladder or bowel control, then he must see doctor immediately.

-      Patients are confused or have lost consciousness, even briefly. It is warning and they must go to doctor.

-      If person have slurred speech, a change in vision, difficulty walking, or weakness, then they must visit the physician.

To call a doctor if:

-      Tingling has no obvious cause (like a hand or foot "falling asleep")

-      Persons have pain in their neck, forearm, or fingers

-      They frequently urinate.

-      Tingling is in legs and gets worse when person walks.

-       In case of rash, patient must call the doctor.

-      Patients feel dizziness, muscle spasm, or other unusual symptoms.

Natural Home based Treatment of Tingling:

To manage the medical condition of tingling, there are some useful home based treatments.

-      If the tingling is due to staying in one position for a long time, people must do exercise and ease the circulation.

-      Rest is necessary if the ‘pins and needle’ sensation is due to undue activity.

-      It is not advised to stay in the same position for long hours, particularly, when watching the television or working at the computer.

-      Prim rose oil is beneficial home remedy for tingling. Apply the oil onto the affected area and gently massage, 2 to 3 times every day. It will show quick results.

-      Avoid caffeine and alcohol. They reduce the flow of blood to the extremities.

-      Magnesium is required mineral for working cardiovascular and nervous system. Add food in diet with magnesium, it enhances blood circulation.

-      Yoga and physiotherapy is suggested for patients who are experiencing tingling. It alleviates the sensation of ‘pins and needles’ and enhances blood circulation greatly.

To bind up, tingling is a sensation related with several medical disorders. Any changes to nerve function can result in tingling in different parts of the body. People must take it seriously and visit to doctor to know the root cause of this condition. Timely diagnosis will prevent neurological disorders. 


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