Radioactive Waste threatens the survival of human population

In the dawn of 21st century, technical upheaval resulted to augmented activities in natural environment that led to accumulation of huge amount of radioactive wastes. Disposing waste products is a serious concern and intricate global problem for environmentalists and officers of waste management program. In present scenario, there is a need to take appropriate steps and implement effectual policies to dispose radioactive waste produced through technical development in order to assure safety to populace.

Radioactive waste pollutes the environs which in turn have a treacherous impact on inhabitants’ life. These concerns are hot theme of discussion at administrative level and now it is a matter of colossal environmental investigation. The Radioactive waste problem is the most threatening environmental problem suffers by populace of any country.

Majority of radioactive waste created around the glove are unwanted by-product of electricity generation using nuclear power and of military activities. It is for information that there is also a large number of industrial, medical and scientific research activities which use radioactive materials and create radioactive waste. Most radioactive waste is in solid form but small quantity of radioactivity arise in liquid and gaseous form and may be released in environment.

Dangerous health consequences of radioactive waste:

The prime concern of huge amount of dumping radioactive waste in environment is that it leads to lethal disease in human body when exposed to radiation. Long term effects to radiation can even cause cancer.  Some body parts are more specially affected by exposure to different types of radiation sources. The thyroid gland is vulnerable to radioactive iodine. In sufficient amounts, radioactive iodine can destroy all or part of the thyroid. It is advised by experts that such people must take potassium iodide to reduce the effects of exposure.

It is supposed that high exposure to radioactive material at 1,000 to 5,000 rems promptly damage to small blood vessels and possibly cause heart failure and death directly. Exposure to radioactive waste may damage intestinal tract lining and cause nausea, bloody vomiting and diarrhoea. This is occurs when the victim's exposure is 200 rems or more.

People living near environment of radioactive waste dumping must take several precautions to maintain health.

It is advised that people must not handle radioactive material with bare hand.

People working with radioactive isotopes must wear protective clothing which is left in the laboratory.

To bind up, radioactive waste if managed improperly would undoubtedly have adverse impact on the health of humans and environment.  


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