LIVE IN RELATIONSHIP: How effective for youth

When we hear live in relationship, feeling arise that two persons have intimate relationship which does not have any legal binding. Live in relationship is defined as a living arrangement in which an unmarried couple lives together in a long term relationship that resembles a marriage. This form of relationship has become an alternate to marriage in cities.  Individual freedom is the top priority amongst the youth and nobody wants to get entwined into the typical responsibilities of a married life.

In Indian context, this type of living together is not accepted by Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or any other statutory law. While the institution of marriage promotes adjustment; the foundation of live in relationships is individual freedom. Though, the common man is still diffident in accepting such relationship. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 provides for the protection and maintenance thereby granting the right of allowance to a distressed live-in partner.

Process of Globalization led numerous economic, social, technological and political changes at international level. These changes have greatly impacted human relations in the developing countries in general and India in particular in an unparalleled way. In this digital and highly advanced climate, many family ties are lost forever. Globalization has stressed all relationships. In family life, the previously dominant values of loyalty, duty, obedience, and self-sacrifice are slowly being exiled by the standards of personal fulfilment, friendship, sensual gratification for spouse, equalitarianism, and compatibility. It is observed at least among the upper classes in developing countries.

The society of several Asian countries like India, Pakistan, China and others do not promote the concept of live in relationship. Nevertheless, it is found that in metropolitan cities, many men and girls are interested in living together relationship.

In industrial counties like in the society of Europe and America, people have broad thinking and they do not have problem with non-married couples. Though, it totally depends upon couples whether they want to live together before marriage, it is also necessary to take advices from others so that they can make a strong relationship.

It is appraised by scholars that there are some benefits of Live-In Relationship:

-      Many boys and girls are attracted towards living in relationship because they think from their brain and see welfares in it.

-      It is stated that in Live-In Relationship, there is no responsibility. Whether there is a man or woman, after marriage both of them have to play their roles to live a happy marital life. But, in this type of arrangement, people do not carry such tension.

-      Another point is freedom. This is one of the major benefit of living in relationship. It does not have any commitment to live together for whole life like marriage.

-      In Live-In Relationship, there is no binding, person can easily stop and make another friend. If youngsters think that their partner is not a suitable person, they can easily break-up and seek another partner. But it is feasible for industrial nations. In Indian culture, it is a disrespect of traditional values of society.

-      People in Live-In Relationship stay Away from Legal Aggravation. Unlike divorce, leaving a partner is much easier in live in relationship.

In spite of some benefits, youngsters face many challenges of Live-In Relationship:

-      Individuals who get involved in Live-In Relationship are not respected by Society members. They are treated as persons who violated societal rules.

-      In Live-In Relationship, youngsters do not give value to commitment and Emotions. Usually, live in couples do not have much emotions and commitment to each other as it is not legal relationship.

-      Live-In Relationship is considered as conditional Love. There are many couples who live together only because of some conditions. For instance, two people are new into a city and cannot afford money to rent a house. So, they live together for the time they get their desired jobs.

-      There are chances of physical Abuse in Live-In Relationship. Cohabits are more into physical abuse than married people.

-      Youngsters who have live-In Relationship get less Family Support. It may make their life miserable after some time and they may deviate from their career goals.

-      There is inadequate economic equality in Live-In Relationship. Married couples are known better for economic equality than live in guys and girls.

Live-In Relationship is particular way to pass time with partner but it may not be permanent solution for youths all around the world. Whether there is broad minded society or conservative folks like in Asian countries, Live-In Relationship do not prosper for long time. Exceptions are always there.
It may affect greatly in career ladder. Sometimes, emotion turmoil makes person so feeble that he/she may have inhibited personality.  Except few common advantage, Live-In Relationship do not fill colour in life of people.  It is just temporary charm that brings youth together. Therefore while reaping such relationship, people must be careful and just spend some time to think from brain, not from mere heart, how such relations will enhance life.

In brief, a live-in relationship is type of living style where a heterosexual couple lives together, without having formal or legal relationship such as marriage. It is also called “Cohabitation.” It need not inevitably involves sensual relations. It has immense impact on youngster’s life. As there is no legal relations, it may disrupt the life of people. Therefore, youths must think many times before developing such relationship. 


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