Will power is driving force for success in career and life

Will power is the capability to control unnecessary and harmful impulses. It is the ability to overcome lethargy and procrastination.

Most popular theories of behaviour change recommend that willpower alone is not always to make actual and permanent change. According to the Stages of Change model, it is significant to first distinguish that there is a need to change, identify possible obstacles to change, emanate up with a plan of action, monitor progress, maintain and manage the change, and cope with any probable declines.

Willpower is elaborated as resolve or self-control and may involve a number of different cognitive and behavioral characteristics.

It is well understood that willpower involves putting off what people want in the short-term to get and what they want in the long-term. It requires mindful effort and often an important investment of emotional and cognitive resources. It also involves resisting urges, fighting enticements, and employing different strategies to maintain control.

Willpower has pivotal role but it is not the only factor that leads to success. Several psychologists believe that willpower can help people achieve their goals, but acknowledge that it is just one part of the enigma. Other scholars have discovered that people with higher self-discipline have better relationship skills, are less likely to abuse alcohol and other substances, suffer fewer mental health problems, and have better overall physical health.

Willpower helps people to exercise more, work more effectively, and live more healthily. Individual who has strong willpower will assert decisions even in the situation of intense opposition or other opposing indicators. People who have better control of their attention, emotions and actions are more successful in career and personal life.

In essence, willpower is the skill to resist short-term enticements in order to accomplish long-term goals.


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