Eminence of freelancers in global society

Freelancer, as name suggest, talented persons prefer to be their own boss, enjoy working with ease and own style. They have stunning job opportunities and touch the pinnacle of career if planed wisely. They spend stress-less professional life and more satisfied due to involvement in their choice of projects.
In present global climate, there is swift change in professional jobs. People are espousing novel techniques to generate revenue and maintain high life style. Nascent studies revealed that huge number of business personnel in two industrialized nations such as Britain and the US are switching to freelancing job. With the advent of advanced technology and cut throat competitive environment, freelancing jobs are flourishing. Freelancers have added advantages of working in flexible hours and fulfil the emerging and changing requirement of project providers or customers.

Though freelancing earning style intimidate the project prospects of many professionals, but working with hi-tech system enable these elites to maintain quality life. Internet technology offered marvellous and myriads of opportunities for freelance to choose the projects according to their knack. Freelancing job is multidisciplinary.

Freelancers utilize their prowess without any hassle and they are free from office politics. It is observed that during hunting projects or task, they have to undergo rigorous activity. Sometimes, there is crunch of assignments or desired work. But they have to bear such short term losses. As golden avenues may be waiting a head if there is extra ordinary talent in persons and above all, they are confident in walking on the path of challenging mission.
Though, opponents criticize freelancing job as there is no fixed income and these professionals do not receive many perks from employer such as vacation pay, health insurance. Critics further stated that freelancers work in isolation and they do not have interaction with other professionals to grow in their stream. But supporters squabble that today technology provides array of media to expand social network and augment professional expertise such involvement in social media may lessen the isolation. But major visible demerit is Lack of Job Security. It can be accomplished through constantly scanning the opportunities at global level and get involve with previous employers. Sometimes, earlier employers do not offer projects due to financial crisis or client’s restriction. Many employers some time need freelancing services if freelancers are in regular touch with them, it is a proven technique.

Some challengers raised concern that freelancers has many distractors such as mobile calls, family and visitors. These disrupts freelancers to deliver premium work. It can be countered by stating that wise planning and efficient time management may overcome such distractors. Freelancers are more apt to do these things as they are highly enthused to put hefty pack of dollars in their pocket.

Freelancers have immense significance in world stage because sometimes, experts are not available in panel. Then organizations or institutes look for professional or talented entities outside and they approach freelancers to meet the growing demands of clients. It clearly shows that freelancers are highly supportive for companies to enhance economy and productivity as they are helpful in crisis period. People with expertise in their area must have good choice to become freelancer.

In nutshell, Freelancers have flair to transform the business world. They are highly important for the progression of organizations as they have flexibility of hours to give their best in any demanding projects. These outstanding piece of work may be beneficial for companies to thrive in global business platform. In this intricate business epoch, multinationals must tap the expertise of freelancers and place their demands in online portal so that talented creatures can join the team and extend their brilliance.  It is supposed that Freelancer brigade is a parallel business militia for any country that can lead to steep economic growth.

Penned by Ragini Sinha

International freelance writer, researcher & MCQ test developer


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