Flair of sensing real friend in galaxy

Humans are born with brilliance and dominant characteristics to fascinate the nature species. In human life, there are numerous challenges, and to cope up these hurdles, people explore best companion in this world.  Friendship has distinct physiognomy and it succours people to move forward in life.

It has been realized that person without friend leads worthless life. We in this planet continuously discover friends to whom we can trust and lead magnificent life. As friendship can be established at any level and age, but finding true friend is thorny task. 

Everyone meets someone in this world who hear his inner voice and understand feelings without verbal expression. Even parents sometimes fail to comprehend the psyche of their children that friends can do.  With close friends, we can open up our sorrows and very well know that they will not make fun of it.

With friends, we are able to lessen academic or life stress and depression up to some extent. The company of our friends make us forget our distresses. We can amenably discuss on complicated topics with our friends, get suggestions to solve our personal problems. When we have network of good friends, we learn numerous social behaviour such as sharing, showing affection and making sacrifices.

All above facts are known to people about friendship and they know that it is highly complicated to get friends who are true and honest. In this cutthroat competitive environment and race of winning the life, sometimes we forget basic human values. To explore real friends who stays with us during ugly phase is looking nearly impossible.

As we know that friends are changed in different stages of life because our needs and goals are transformed. It is recognized that people have proximity because of similar needs and this turn to friendship.  We have to realize that how faithful are our friends in different situations.

To get true friends, it is proven fact that we must be honest and have holy feeling towards different species around us. Others also watch our behaviour in social environment and observe type of personality we have. If we have helping tendency while traveling, in hospital, movies and many other situation, some will shake hand with us. Likeminded people always have great proximity. Signs of real friends are that they support us in odd circumstances, never let us down or deliberately hurt our feelings. They have great respect for our work or never degrade our professionalism. Trustworthiness is major attribute of true friend.

In this magnificent planet, we as a human are not lonely. We can expand our friends network in multiple way. Technological innovation facilitated us to make friends on internet but loyalty is major issue.  Humans with their intellect can truly enjoy friendship through various social networking sites through exchanging their thoughts, sharing some good or bitter experiences of life and profession.

Besides these techniques, we have dazzling world of natural species waiting for us. Many animals can understand our emotion whether it is distress or happy moment and we can share our feelings with them as a true friend through sign language. 

For example, some beautiful birds are our companion when we move to terrace for walk. They convey their happiness through signs and these make us delighted. They guard us from any danger as we meet daily.

In this cosmos, we have another group of good friends. As we fully know that when we undergo with adverse conditions in life, very few people or none come forward to support us. This may be highly disappointing and we move on a mission to discover true friend. It is a surprise but some strong network around us strengthens to counter such intricate situations. These are network of stars. We learn a lot from watching these stars at night and insights are developed to handle hostile situations.

In gloomy state when we feel lonely, watching stars and sensing what these cosmic bodies telling us remind that these are also our true friends.  We can communicate and they will reciprocate. It is possible that people will get relief from depressive state and become cheerful to begin next morning with great pleasure.

To roll up facts, it can be sensed that true friendship is also a great mission of life and this makes our life colourful. Happy moments with real friends delight people and they develop ardent desire to live in glittering galaxy in which all living creatures are intact with Cosmo-attractive power.

Important note: Copying or modifying the content of the article is strictly prohibited. Ideas of this article are sole property of writer. Cases or scenarios are based on the true incidence. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Some advises reflect the inner views of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


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