Be aware of poisonous substance potassium bromine in bread

We are breathing in a technically progressive world. There are lots of chemical used in foods that are dangerous for human health. One such compound is potassium bromate which is added in dough to strengthen and improve the shelf life of bread.

Potassium bromate has detrimental effect on health. This issue came into lime light when recent study conducted by the Delhi-based Centre for Science & Environment on white bread, bun, pav and pizza bread in New Delhi. This has put the attention decisively on potassium bromate, a chemical compound normally used for baking. The preservative is used to fortify dough and improve the shelf life of bread. It is also a cheap additive as compared to ascorbic acid, a naturally occurring organic compound that is used to strengthen dough.

Potassium bromate has property to double the dough during the baking process that’s why it is chosen by local bakers.

The European Union and some other countries such as Canada, Brazil, Argentina and China have banned the use of potassium bromate in food.

Nature of bromine:
Bromine is a naturally occurring element that is a liquid at room temperature. It has a brownish-red colour with a bleach-like odour, and it dissolves in water.

It is important to know a poisonous substance potassium bromine.

Bromine toxicity is definitely a danger signal for health of humans. It can inflict devastation on health. Bromines are common endocrine disruptors, and are part of the halide family, a group of elements that includes fluorine, chlorine and iodine. It is dangerous because it competes for the same receptors that are used to capture iodine.

If person consume large quantity of bromine, his body will not hold on to the iodine that it needs. And iodine affects every tissue in body.

When person swallow or absorb bromine, it displaces iodine, and this iodine shortage leads to an increased risk for breast cancer, thyroid gland, ovary and prostate cancers. Presently, these are deadly disease commonly increasing at alarming rates.
When person ingest potassium bromate, he may suffer from skin disorders. If bromine comes in direct contact with the skin, it can irritate or burn. Exposure to bromine has also been associated with the development of cherry angiomas and lesions.

Another dangerous effect of ingesting potassium bromate is conative disruption. Bromine is toxic in and of itself. Bromide builds up in central nervous system and cause lethal diseases.  It is a central nervous system depressant and can prompt numerous psychological symptoms such as acute paranoia and other psychotic symptoms. Mental dysfunction related to the overexposure to bromine is quite common.

Potassium bromate alter DNA. Mushrooming studies have demonstrated potassium bromate, a common baking ingredient, causes oxidative damage to DNA. If humans consumes huge quantity of this compound on a daily basis, they have negative health implications.

Potassium bromate has toxic property that adversely affect to the Kidneys. According medical researchers, Potassium bromate is a known kidney toxin and has killed human embryonic kidney cells in lab tests.

This additive agent can also cause Hearing Loss. Ears require a balance of potassium and sodium, two minerals that can promote proper hearing. Researchers consider that an imbalance of nutrients may lead to hearing loss in humans.

Potassium bromate can inflict numerous mental Illness such as
Psychosis, schizophrenia, and other mental health consequences.

In addition to psychiatric problems, bromine toxicity can manifest as the following:

·        Skin rashes and severe acne

·        Loss of appetite and abdominal pain

·        Fatigue

·        Metallic taste

·        Cardiac arrhythmias

Use of bromine in bread:

People are ignorant of the fact that the bread, pav or pizza they eat in a restaurant or consume a hamburger or hotdog, are high risk of deadly diseases. Bakers use potassium bromate to bake delicious baked goods. It is a rising trend in Western cultures that is now embedded in Indian society.

It is highly important to know that potassium bromate is also found in some toothpastes and mouthwashes, where it is added as an antiseptic and astringent. It can cause bleeding and inflammation of gums if people use these products regularly.

Though there are countless chemical present in our natural system but we as human must generate mindfulness about strong chemicals that push us to mouth of death. It is an appeal to all that do not compromise with health and be careful when choosing meals.


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